"nice to meet you."

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Your p.o.v.
   "Any advice for making new friends in a place you never knew existed?" I sarcastically asked.

   "Um, maybe be yourself and don't try to be someone you're not?" Mom chuckled.

   We both laughed; that was pretty corny, but pretty good advice for someone like me, who would do just about anything to have a friend by my side. It was always hard to make friends when I'm constantly moving around the state every 5-6 months because of my mom's job. But, this time, she said this was our last time moving, so I'd better get comfortable and make some friends here.

   Her car parked, and I peered out the car window at the school. It was awfully large, and looked like a two-story middle school, but it was a highschool. The outside walls of the school were made of a mahogany-coored brick of which gave the school an almost old, vintage look, but in an elegant way. Several windows were opened, revealing the classrooms which looked pretty decent. Students scattered around the lawns of the school, some walking in, and some just hanging around.

   I looked over at my mom who was looking at the school also. She planted a kiss on my cheek.

   "Goodluck," she said.
   Those were our "goodluck kisses", which was our ways of wishing good luck on a tough, new situation, giving eachother hope and comfort.

   I smiled, and immediately felt more confident by the second. I stepped out of the car, closed the door, and watched my mother's car drive away.

(inside the school)

  I walked in, and instantly saw groups of students huddled around lockers, water fountains, classrooms, etc, all talking to one another.

   Nobody really noticed me, so I might just go through the year without actually talking to a single human being, or at least students, because I'm sure we would have to move again, anyway. I think it'd be much easier to just avoid or ignore anyone who talks to me, that way, people would think I speak another language, and finally leave me alone.

   "Hey," a voice behind me said.

   I turned to my side. "H-hey." I croaked out awkwardly.

   Wow, what a great plan.

   "Are you new here?" She giggled, and gave me a genuine smile.

   "Um yeah," I said awkwardly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

   "Well," she began, eyeing a group of kids, who were also staring at us. "I'm Sadie, Sadie Sink." She stuck her hand out and I shook it after a few awkward seconds of just staring.

   "I'm Y/N. Y/N  Y/LN. I say a bit more confidently.

   "Nice! That's such a pretty name!" She said, and I thanked her. "So Y/N, my friends and I saw you walk in here. And you seemed pretty... lost, and we thought maybe wanted some friends to talk to, or, you know, some people to show you around. Do you wanna come hang with us?" She asked.

   "S-sure." I smiled.

   "Great! I promise, they're awesome."
   She lead me towards a group of pretty friendly-looking people.
   "Guys, this is Y/N."

   "OMG, that's such a pretty name!" A girl with brown hair came towards me. "I'm Millie! You can call me Mills."

   "Hey," A boy with curly black hair waved at me, and smiled. "I'm Finn."

   "I'm Gaten."

   "I'm Caleb."

   "I'm Noah."

   I scanned all of them, and my eyes fell on the last one. Probably the youngest out of the group. Noah. I noticed his gaze toward the ground, but then he slowly glanced up to me.

     Our eyes met. His gorgeous hazel eyes gleamed in the sunlight that shined on him from one of the windows. His fawn-colored hair was perfectly swept to the side, and his smile, his smile was amazing. It wasn't a grin, or a smirk, but a smile, a genuine smile.

   "So, where are you from?" Noah stammpered as soon as he noticed the others watching us study at each other.

   My face felt hot, and I assume it was red with embarrassment, too. "I'm from (Y/H/T)."

   "Nice!" Noah said.

   The bell rang and relief flooded over me. Finn and Noah went off to their class after a wave, and so did Caleb and Gaten. Millie and Sadie stayed behind with me.

   "Soo," Millie said as soon as Noah walked away out of sight, "Schnipper, huh?" Millie teased.

   "Wait, what? I'm totally lost. You like Noah?" She raised an eyebrow. "I was thinking maybe Finn or something."

   "Uhh- I-" I stuttered. "No, I don't."

   "Sureee you don't." Millie laughed, "Anyway, can I see your schedule?"

   "Sure." I said, relieved. I handed her the folded paper I my pocket which she unfolded and looked at.

   "Okay, so for first period you have.. Mr. Ollie." Millie said, still reading the paper.

   "Oh, just a heads-up, he gives a ton of homework." Sadie warned.

   "Well, we both don't have 1st period with you, but I have second with you! I'll see you later." Millie said, and smiled at me. Millie and Sadie walked down the hallway.
hello! first off, i just want to say thank you for reading my story! this chapter was a little short, but i had to start somewhere :) i do not have an updating schedule, but i will try updating as often as i can. please vote & comment! it'd mean a whole lot to me! <3 .
- maddie.

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