chapter 9

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Noah's p.o.v
I was walking with Y/N home, and I slowed my pace down a bit to keep up with her. We talked about random things so casually. Simple things like this made me happy, strolling along the streets with a friend. It's the little things in life.
"So," I started. "Caleb's throwing a little party this weekend, wanna come?" Noah asked me.
"Oh, sure! That sounds fun." She smiled, and that made me smile.
"So how did you enjoy today?" I suddenly asked Y/N.
"Today was fun, and amazing. I'm so glad you invited me." Her words made me smile more.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, because I sure did."
Y/N blushed, and so did I. I felt some sort of zap, or something between us. I was confused, anf my facial expression changed into a confused one.
"Is something wrong?" Y/N asked.
"Did you... feel that?" I questioned.
"Feel what?" She wore my expression now.
"Feel that... zap. That... crackle of electricity or some thing." I tried my best to explain it, but I couldn't.
"Maybe you got shocked by some thing?" Y/N asked.
I laughed. "Probably."
We stopped, as we realized we arrived at Y/N's house. That walk was way too short. 20 minutes seemed like 5 minutes.

Your p.o.v
"So, I'll see you Monday?" Noah asked.
I nodded. "Yup."
"Okay, I'll see you. Text me!"
I laughed. Today was amazing, and the walk was great too, although time had passed way too soon. I got my keys out of my pocket, and started to unlock the door, when I heard someone walking up my porch.
My heartbeat quickened. Was someone following me? Noah had most likely already walked away, and now nobody would hear me if I screamed. Stories about kidnapped victims all scattered around my head. I was scared to turn around, but I did when the person tapped my shoulder.
Turning around slowly with caution, I saw Noah, giving me a smile. The smile, the smile that made my heart beat quicken.
"Oh," I sighed with relief. "It's you."
Noah let out a chuckle. "You alright?"
"Yeah, I just thought it was someone else."
"Well, I just wanted to say that I had a lot of fun with you today. You and Finn. Everything about today was fun." His face lit up while he talked.
"I had so much fun, too." I smiled.
"I know we've barely known each other for a few weeks or so, but you're a really, amazing person." Noah told me, looking down at the floor. My heart beat fast, and my heart lit up.

Noah's p.o.v
She looked at me happily. "I feel the same way." I was so glad she did, and I hugged her. I wrapped my arms around her gently, but tightly. A few seconds later, her arms wrapped around me, too. This moment felt magical, and my heart beat fast.
After some time, we let go. And our faces flushed red.
"Well," I said, awkwardly. "See you Monday?"
She nodded in reply. I waved goodbye, and walked down her porch, down her driveway, and then, down to my house, looking back at her every few seconds with a smile.

Your p.o.v
I watched as he walked away, and as I got into my house, I sank to my knees thinking about the hug. I've never felt a way like this before towards anyone.

(Two days later)

It was the morning, and I woke up without a complaint. I wore a black and white striped shirt, with a denim jacket over it. I also wore black jeans, and a pair of white shoes. I let my hair down for today, and went to the kitchen to make my breakfast.
My mom came into the kitchen in her work clothes. I turned to look at her. "Good morning, mom." I smiled brightly at her.
She opened her eyes a bit, then closed them. "Good morning." Then she opened them again, wide this time. She had a puzzled look on her face.
"You're up early!" She said surprised.
"Yup." I said, pouring my bowl of cereal. "I feel good today. Extra energized."
"Oh, does this have some thing to do with Noah?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I laughed.
"Well, I won't say no." I smiled, remembering our hug. It was just a simple hug, probably just meant for a friend, but the thought of it made me weak in the knees.
"Awe, I'd love to hear all of the details later." She said, getting a mug ready for her morning coffee. "I have work today, so I can't drive you to school," Mom said, stirring her coffee.
"Oh, it's fine, Mom. I'll walk." I said. "Plus, I need the excersise, anyway."
"Great, I'll see you after school, sweetheart. Bye!" She kissed me on my forehead, and headed out the door with her coffee cup in her hand.

*time skip*

I opened the door as I walked out, and locked it. I started walking, as a car stopped near me.
"Y/N!" Shouted someone from the car.
The voice sounded familiar. I turned around quickly after some thought as to who it could be, and I saw a brown-haired boy with hid head and arm out of the window.
"Jack! Hey!" I greeted him?
"You need a ride?" He asked.
"It's alright, I wanted to walk to school today." I explained to him.
"Oh, okay." He said. "Then I'll walk with you." He opened his car door and walked out of his car, then closed the car door.
"Oh, no it's okay, Jack. You don't need to." I said, waving my hands in a motion saying "no".
"I don't have to, but I want to." He waved at whoever was driving the car, and they drove off. "Let's walk, shall we?" He grinned at me, and I grinned back.

Finn's p.o.v
I took the double-bike Noah and Y/N had taken to the hiking trip on Saturday. Or, at least they tried to take. Noah forgot to take it home on Saturday, and I needed a ride since my mom's car stopped working, so why not? It's a win-win situation.
On the way to school, I noticed two people walking on the sidewalk I was biking on. I got closer to them, and used the breaks.
But, they wouldn't work.
What? I tried again.
They weren't working. It was no use. "Look out!"
The two people in front of me turned around, but it was too late. I crashed into them, having both of them fly to the sidewalk, and me tripping. The bike just fell over, with no broken parts. I'm having a feeling this bike is evil.
Quickly, I got up, and saw the two people. The girl was lying on the street concrete, and the boy was on the sidewalk.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, are you two alright?" I asked, worried.
The guy got up and looked at me from where he was.
"Finn?" The guy said.
"Wait, Y/N?" I said after a while, realizing the girl was Y/N.
Y/N moved a bit. Both Jack and I hurried up to her.
"Y/N?!" Jack said, with worry.
"Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?!" Finn asked in a shout.
"My head... it hurts...a lot." She managed to say in a quiet voice. She winced in pain as Jack tried to see where she was hurt.

Noah's p.o.v
I stared out of my window while driving to school. I told myself today would be a great day. I'd see my friends, and Y/N. Then, I saw someone on the street, with two people huddled around them.
The car stopped, as I made my way out to see what was wrong.
One of the people turned to me.
"Noah! Help us!" Finn said, with fear and worry. "I accidentally crashed into Jack and Y/N with my bike, and I think Y/N is badly hurt!"
"I-I'm fine," Y/N said.
As soon as Finn mentioned Y/N, I was worried. Quickly, I went to look at Y/N. I did not know what to do.
"Let's take her to the infirmity at school!" Jack said.
"No, schools too far!" Finn told Jack.
"G-guys, I said I was okay, my head just hurts a lit-" Y/N started but I interrupted her.
"Let's take her to a hospital." I said, and Finn and Jack looked at each other, and agreed. We helped Y/N into my vehicle. I explained to my mom what happened, and she quickly drove us to the hospital.

End of chapter.


hello! i hope you enjoyed reading, please vote and comment! also, thank you for 2k reads! you all are amazing :') <3. - maddie

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