the scene

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Your p.o.v
"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes." Mr. Ollie gave me an innocent smile. Then, he walked away, to continue distributing scripts out to the other students.
"What's up?" I looked up and saw Jack with his hands in his pockets hovering over me.
I look down at my script, debating whether or not I should say. "Nothing."
"Mm, You sure about that?" He raises an eyebrow and grins. "You're all-" he made an exaggerated open-mouthed shocked face, and dropped his arms to his sides. I couldn't help but laugh.
"It's the script," Noah said blankly. He tossed the script at Jack. "We got the scene where Romeo and Juliet share a kiss." I looked over at him shocked. His arms were crossed, and he had a look on his face that I've seen before, not on him though. A familiar looking face.
Jack's eyes widened. "Wait, what?" He picked up the script, and flipped through the pages. He soon stopped on a spot.
"What the fu-"
"Ahem. Language, Mr. Grazer." Mr. Ollie turned his whole body around, with his arms crossed, and he looked disappointedly at Jack.
"Sorry, sir," Jack started, not removing his eyes off of the script,"but, can you really- I mean, you can't really make two students kiss, can you?" Jack asked.
"No, I cannot." Mr. Ollie said. "But, they don't seem to disagree with it, am I right, Mr. Schnapp?" He looked at Noah.
"Yes." Noah said, calm as ever. I looked over at him and my eyes widened in shock.
Did he really mean that? Or did he just say that as a joke or something?
"And, how about you Ms. Y/LN?" Mr. Ollie turned towards me, and so did Noah. And Jack. And the entire class of students. All eyes were on me.
"Uh, I- um," I choked out, "I- I don't mind."
"Well, as you can see, they do not mind. Now, if you'll do yourself a favor and sit down in your seat please, Mr. Grazer." Mr. Ollie gave a pair of students a script.
The class was silent for a bit, still processing what happened just now, but then continued to talk, laugh, and do what they normally did.
"So," Noah cleared his throat, picked his script up, and turned it to the first page. "Let's practice."
I nodded in agreement, and turned my script to the first page, too.


Your p.o.v.
It finally was time for lunch. I've been looking forward to this for the last few hours or so, waiting for a time where I could process what happened in class with Noah. I walked to the "secret" place bench under the flower tree, and sat myself in the middle of the bench. This place had became probably my most favorite place in the school.
I sat in thought, staring off into the distance, when I heard my name being called.
"Y/N!" I looked up and saw Jack, with one hand in a pocket, the other waving at me. He gave me a friendly smile, and I gave one back.
He ran over to me. "This seat taken?"
"Yes, by you." I answered.
Jack let out a little chuckle, and sat down beside me.
We stare off into the distance for a little while, then, breaking the silence, Jack asks out of the blue "Are you sure about the kissing scene with Noah?"
"Um, what?"
"You know, the Romeo and Juliet scene." He explains. "Are you?"
"I mean, why not?"
As I said this, Jack turns his head to me quickly. "But, my question is why?"
"Well, I don't know." I say, awkwardly. "It shouldn't matter anyway. I mean we're just friends. Nothing more or less."
Jack turns his head, with a small smile on his face.
"What?" I ask, leaning forward to look at his face.
"Nothing," Jack says, as his phone makes a sound, indicating he has a messege from someone.
"Shoot." Jack says, as he opens his phone. "I have to help Mr. Ollie with something, I'll have to go." He looks at me from his phone. "See you after school?"
I nod in agreement, and he waves at me and runs off. I continue staring blankly at the ground, kicking around tiny rocks here and there.
"So, what exactly are you doing?" A voice above me says.
"Well, just thinking I guess. Clearing my mi-" I stopped suddenly as I looked up. "Noah."
"Hey," Noah said, hands in his pockets. He smiled.
"Can I sit?"
Noah sits down next to me. We sit in a comfortable silence, and just keep quiet.
"About this morning," Noah says suddenly, breaking the silence. "Do you want to do it?"
"Do what?" I ask, looking at him. "The scene?"
"Yes, the scene." He chuckles. "Well, do you? Because, if not, I can request another scene."
"Oh," I look at the ground. "Honestly I don't mind."
"You don't mind?" Noah repeats.
"I don't," I say. "I don't mind it. I want to do the scene, if I'm going to be totally honest with you."
Oh my god, did I really just say that? I'm a little shocked by my words, and Noah seems a little shocked, too.
"Great." Noah says. I hear the smile in his voice. "Because, I don't mind either."
Before I know it, I'm blushing
I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"So," Noah says, out of the blue. "Wanna practice?"
"Sure, I brought the script, it's in my backpa-"
"No, no that's not what I meant." Noah interrupts me and laughs as he gently grabs my hand that was going to open my backpack with. "I meant.. I meant, the scene."
"Oh," my face is probably as red as a tomato right now, but you know what they say. Seize the moment. "Sure." I answer.
Noah came closer to me, and he grabbed my face gently, and pulls my face into his slowly.
Before I know it, we're kissing. Slowly and sort of awkward at first, but gradually becoming more natural. It felt as though time had stopped to let us experience this moment fully. I honestly though kisses were often very awkward and uncomfortable, but in this moment, I didn't feel those feelings at all.
Afterwards, we both pulled away. I felt a feeling that made me weak in the knees, an exciting feeling that makes your heart race. It was feeling that I only felt around Noah.
hi! although this chapter was a bit short, i hope you guys enjoyed it! i felt the story was going by a little slowly lol, but i hope it was worth wait :) please vote if you enjoyed it!

also, do you think i should make a social media to infrom you all when i update? let me know by commenting!

- maddie

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