chapter 15

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Your p.o.v.
"Can I have a kiss?" Jack asked me. He had a smirk on his face, and his face was not too far from mine. I looked at him in shock; did Jack like me, or something? Everyone's eyes were on us in the moment.

"Oh, quit paying around, Jack," Millie said, grabbing a chip from the bag and popping it in her mouth.

"Yeah," Finn chuckled. "Sorry, Y/N. Jack plays a round like that at the worst times."

Slowly, I saw Jack's little smirk turn into a smile. The corners of his mouth curved upward, and he chuckled at me. "I was kidding," he said, poking my cheek. "You were so nervous." Jack teased me.

"No, I wasn't," I lied. But clearly, I was. My face and cheeks were hot anf flushed red.

Jack chuckled, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Mmhm," he walked back to his spot.

Noah's p.o.v.
"Okay, Noah." Jack said, sitting down. "Truth or dare?"

"What? Me, again?" I asked.

"Yes, there are no rules in the book that says each person can only go once." Gaten said. "Go!"

"Okay, fine," I said. "Truth."

He crosses his arms, smiling. "Tell us, who have you kissed recently?" My eyes widened at the word kiss.

Oh gosh. Was Jack really bring that up again? I thought he dropped this hours ago.

"Uh," I cleared my throat. "Yes," I muttered, and cleared my throat once again.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Jack asked, but I was sure he heard me the first time.

"Yes," I said, a little louder, seeing Y/N looking at me in the corner of my eye.

He did an exaggerated gasp. "When?"

"I, um," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I... don't even remember. Whatever, it was just nothing. Just, change the subject already." It came out a little more harsh than I'd expect it to.

Jack's p.o.v.
After Noah said this, I looked at Y/N. Her, once red with embarrassment, now had a small frown. Her gaze was to the ground. She looked so sad; I felt like I wanted to give her a hug to make her feel better.
(a few minutes later)
"Hey, Y/N?" Millie called. "Y/N? Y/N!" At the last time Millie shouted her name, she came to her senses with a jolt.

"Oh- yes?" Y/N asked.

"Are you okay?" Millie asked.

"Oh- yeah, why would I not be?" She gave a smile. "You know, it's a little stuffy in here, I think I'm gonna go get some air. Be right back." She got up, and left out of the hospital door.

Right then and there, I decided something.

"Finn, can we talk real quick?" I asked after a few minutes of Y/N walking out of the door.

"Um, I mean, sure." He limped with me out of the hospital room door.

Your p.o.v.
I wandered around the hospital, just walking around. After a few minutes of wandering, I looked up and saw a sign that said Hospital Balcony. And so, I decided I'd go check it out.

I walked out to the balcony. The floor was made out of a dark wood, and the railings on the edges were black, elegant looking rails. Small and big pots of flowers were on the sides as decoration, and the night sky view from here was beautiful. I walked towards the view, and leaned against the railings, clearing my mind.

My mind thought about what Noah had said about the kiss; "I... don't even remember. Whatever, it was just nothing. Just, change the subject already." The thought of it made me quite sad; that was my first kiss. It was clear to me, now, that Noah only kissed me to practice for the script. Nothing more, nothing less.

"You alright?" I heard a voice from behind me. They walked up to me, and put a hand gently on my shoulder.

I turned around. "Jack," I faked a smile. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" My eyes started to moisten, and I turned back around. Whenever somebody had asked me if I was okay when I was sad, that made me even more 'not-okay'.

He just sighed. Then after about a moment of silence, he said,"because I saw the kiss between you and Noah earlier. And it saw how his response about it affected you." He put his other hand on my shoulder, then slowly slid his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. It was more awkward than comforting, though, but I knew he meant comfort.

"His- his response didn't affect me," I lied, adding a small laugh, "what do you mean?"

"You know, you don't have to lie about your feelings in front of me," he told me. "I know we haven't known eachother for long, but you know you can always talk to me, right?" At this, a tear slid down my cheek.

"About hiding feelings," he said after I hadn't said anything. "Do I have to hide mine from you?"

I turned around to look at him. "No, of course not," I assured him.."Why? Has something happened?"

"Yes. I have very, very strong feelings for a girl." Jack said, staring off into the view. "And she hadn't even noticed it yet." He sighed.

"Have you tried telling her?" I asked him, curious.

"You're joking, right?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean I know it'll be a little awkward," I reasoned. "But-"

"Y/N, I like you." He faced his entire body toward me. "I like you, Y/N."

I stared at him for a moment, which felt like hours. From the look of his eyes, he seemed serious. But, Jack was always joking around.

"Wow Jack," I gave a small laugh. "Don't joke around like that," I said, turning back forward.

"But, I'm not." He said in a serious tone. "I like you, Y/N. I really do."

I looked at him, and realized he did look serious; his eyes were locked with mine, he was not smiling nor laughing as he always does when he cracks jokes. It felt as if the moment went on for hours as our eyes were locked, and Jack had a straight look on his face.

Finally, I managed to get out,"Jack, I-"
But then, he just smiled. "No, no. You don't need to reply." He touched my shoulder considerately, and looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry."

"Jack, wait-"

"Well, my mom is expecting me home soon." Jack interrupted, looking down at his watch. "See ya Monday?" He turned towards the balcony exit door.

"Hey, wait Jack." I got off the railing, and he stopped slowly, then he slowly turned, and started to smile. I knew he was going to tell me he didn't actually like me, that it was just a joke.

"Gosh, you're so cute. Who wouldn't like you?" He then came forward towards me, and everything felt as if it were slow-motion, and I couldn't stop anything. Jack gently put his hand delicately on my face, and placed his lips firmly, but gently on mine, all in one motion.

And, before I realized it, I was kissing Jack.
A/N: i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! please vote, comment, and follow if you did! :) thank you all sm for the support! <3

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