chapter 1 Cole

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As soon as I wake up and jump out of bed I am pinned back down by Luna. My German shepherd does this every morning, she sits outside my door and waits until I am awake and then launches herself onto me. I quickly push her off and pad down the stairs into my kitchen. My mother greets me at the breakfast table with her steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. As soon as she sees me a smile spreads across her face. "Good morning darling!" she says way too chirpy for seven o'clock on a Monday morning. I give her a nod and grab a bowl and some cheerio's and sit opposite her. "Are you looking forward to start your new history class today?" she asks, as I pour my orange juice. My mother just stares at my waiting for an answer.

"Sure" I shrug. My school made me transfer from geography to history for the new semester, because I wasn't "succeeding my full potential" in other words I was failing.

"Well I need to head off to work, but enjoy your day!" she says as she folds up her newspaper and kisses my forehead.

I roll my eyes at her "yeah, bye!" I say as I shovel another spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

As soon as I jump out of my truck I immediately spot Justin running towards me with a massive grin on his face. "Cole my man I need a huge favour, tonight if my mom calls, I'm at your place and we are studying." I get this nearly every week from Justin, so it never comes as a surprise.

"Hmmm I don't know man it just doesn't feel right lying to your mom like that, besides what's in it for me" I reply back, but I can't hide the smirk on my face.

"Oh, come on Cole you have to help out your best friend of nine years!" he dramatically pulls a sad face pretending to be hurt.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I chuckle. "So, who is it tonight then?" I ask, but not really caring.

"Tiffani, I'm taking her out and then we are going back to her place" he nudges me with a smile spread across his whole face. I just roll my eyes at him. Justin is known as being a lady's man, whereas me I haven't even been on a single date with a girl. I mean I have gone out with girls and kissed a few at parties, but never anything serious. It's never bothered me that my friends get the girls, because I'm not into one night stands like them. "So, talking about girls" Justin starts "what about Amy? she keeps asking about you!" he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I've already told you I'm not interested, she isn't my type, besides she has four older brothers who all do boxing and kick any guys ass who even look at her. I'm not getting involved in that" She seems nice enough, but she is too clingy she won't leave me alone.

"What tall brunette and sexy isn't your type?" The final warning bell rings and me and Justin walk our separate ways to study hall. "This conversation isn't over!" Justin shouts to me from the other side of the corridor. I shake my head and pick up a faster pace before I get detention for being late.

The day goes by pretty slow, like usual, and I'm now waiting to go into last period. I stroll in and take the seat in the back right corner. "Welcome back to history everyone todays lesson is going to be a good one!" a voice booms from the front of the classroom. I already know this is going to be torture. School has never been my thing. Truly I do try I'm not like one of those guys who thinks they are too cool for school and fail every class on purpose, but I just haven't found anything I'm good at yet.

I grab my textbooks out of my bag while the rest of the class pour into the classroom. Even though I'm new to History I know most of the people in this class. Our town is quite small so most of us all went to the same pre-school, kindergarten and middle school. "We have a new member to our class today, but I'm sure most of you already know him, Cole" he points to me. Everyone turns and all their eyes land on me, so I give a quick nod and turn my head down towards my desk before everyone sees the colour rise to my cheeks. As Mr James turns to write something on the board a girl hovers by the door. As my eyes land on her I can't seem to drag them away. She is small with light blonde hair to her shoulders with big blue eyes. She shifts nervously by the door and then I look down to her body. Then I really can't rip my eyes away, she is wearing skin tight jeans that cling to her curves and is wearing a little off the shoulder top.

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