Chapter 8 Violet

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I wake up to someone shaking me over and over again. "Violet, wake up!" they scream down my ear, possibly bursting my ear drum.

"What?" I grumble rolling over.

"I need your help, get up!" they persist. As I begin to wake up, I soon realise it is Emily who has been visually shaking me for God knows how long. I finally, open my eyes and glance over at the clock. 

"Emily, it is nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday" I whine trying to shove her off my bed. It's still too early for me. After Kate dropped me off last night, we stayed on the phone for hours talking about how her date went. I had to pull the covers over my head, trying not to wake Emily and Charlotte, but I eventually had to hang up because I couldn't breathe under the sheets. 

"It is Isabelle's birthday party later and I dont know what to wear!" she said with a panicked look in her eyes. Emily is twelve, she shouldn't be worrying about what outfit she is wearing to a birthday party. When I was her age, we were more concerned about how out Barbie dolls looked and not us.

"Wear whatever you want" I say swatting at her, trying to go back to sleep.

"Please Violet, it is important" she says putting her hands together begging. With that I knew I wasn't going back to sleep.

"Fine" I sigh sitting up in my bed. I rub my eyes trying to wake myself up a little and then I see our room. It takes me a minute to process it. Emily has emptied her whole wardrobe out onto our bedroom floor. She sees the horror on my face "I am going to clean it up, just help me please!" she says now getting inpatient.

"Where is the party?"

"It's an ice-skating party" she says frowning at all the clothes on the floor. I rifle through the mess on the floor for 20 minutes trying to piece together the clothes to make an outfit. I gave Emily some options, but she turned her nose up at all of them. Honestly, I don't know why she asks for my help. Finally, I give her one that she approves of and she smiles at herself in the mirror with her outfit on. "Why are you so bothered about what you wear? It is only ice skating" she suddenly goes quiet and tries to hide her face with her hair. I raise my eyebrows at her and sit there waiting for her to reply. Emily isn't typically one of those girls who cares about what she looks like, but she seems to have woken up as someone else.

"Josh is going to be there" she barely whispers, as heat rises to her face. Now it all makes sense.

"Who is Josh?"

"This cute boy from my Science class" she says seeming a bit giddy now. I remember my first crush. It was 6th grade and he was the new boy, Callum. I thought he was the cutest boy alive. Every time I went over to Kate's, her, me and her mom would gush all about him and whoever Kate fancied. We even went to a school dance together. I wore a red flowy dress, with the tiniest little heels, but I felt so grown up and blushed every time Callum slightly glanced at me.

"Well, you are going to need this then" I say handing Emily a lip gloss. She beamed at me as she took it and ran straight back over to the mirror.

For the rest of the morning I get some homework done and help around the house. Cole finally texts me just after lunch to come over. I quickly run a brush through my hair, put on some mascara and concealer and set off.

I have to use google maps to get to his house. I had never heard of the street before, but it only took me 15 minutes to walk there. I had to check I got the address right three times. The houses in this neighbourhood were nice, really nice. Something you dream of having with your family. The white picket fences, the big front doors and the beautiful front gardens. I thought it was only Cole and his mom who lived here, but this house could fit a family and their cousins.

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