Chapter 24 Violet

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It has felt like forever since I have seen him. It's like we don't even go to the same school.

I thought time was meant to heel pain, but as soon as I saw him it all came flooding back again. The feelings, the memories, the hurt, but mostly the love I have for him. Every day I try and talk myself into thinking I made the right decision breaking it off, but I don't know who for. Yes of course I was hurt, extremely hurt that he never told me, but was I just doing this all along because I thought it is what my parents would want. They are no longer here to live their life, but I am. Which means I can't take it for granted or waste any time, because life could be taken away from me at any moment.

Schools ending in a few weeks and everything is going to change, I always thought for the better, but I'm not so sure now.

What if it is too late? What if Cole has already moved on? I couldn't take that knowing he doesn't want to be with me, that he doesn't love me. I can hear Kate's voice screaming in my head 'you've got to take risks!' but is he a risk worth taking?

God, I wish someone could just tell me what to do. Make all my decisions for me, life would be much simpler. But I guess then we would never make mistakes to learn from.

"Is Riley going to prom with you?" I ask Kate, as I pick at my lunch. Today is the hottest day of the year and everyone is out sitting on the school field, soaking in the sun including us. Although, two water fights have already broken out and been split up, but not before Mr Daniels got drenched.

"No" Kate screws up her face, as if she has just eaten something sour.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not going" she says matter of fact.

"What? Of course you are going"

"No, I'm not. I have never gone to any of the other proms or dances, so why would you think I am going to this one?"

"Because it is our last ever one. Kate you have to go please I really want to go and I will have nobody to go with"

"I'm sorry, but that isn't my fault you have no other friends"

"Kate" I put on my best pleading face and when that doesn't work, I turn on the tears.

"Screw you"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I leap up and throw my arms around her. To be honest I am surprised she gave in so easily. I thought this may take days to break her down.

"Why would you want to go anyway? It's not like you have a date"

"Thanks for the reminder. Anyway, I don't want a date, I just want to have a fun night with my best friend. We can go dress shopping later after school"

We go through every rack in the shop looking at every dress possible.

"These are awful. Why can't I just wear one of the dresses I already have?"

"Because this is prom. It is a different attire to the dresses you have"

"So what she is saying is you can't go to prom looking like a stripper" Riley joins in.

"Well, yeah"

"But this is the third shop we have been in and we have tried on a bunch of dresses, which all make me look like a fluffy cupcake. Besides I am tired and my feet hurt"

"Stop whining. This is meant to be a fun experience. Hey what about this one?" I pull out a light blue dress, but quickly shove it back in when the massive bow covering the whole dress comes into sight. "Maybe not."

Well I don't know what I am going to wear either. Nothing here suits me or my price range.

"I have an idea Kate. I could just make your dress"

"Really?" we both say in unison.

"Yeah, my mom is a seamstress. She taught me how to sew since I was little and we have been making my outfits together forever" which gives me a great idea.

"Oh my god. That would be amazing, thank you!" Kate throws her arms around Riley's neck and pulls her close.

"Oh my gosh, Violet you look gorgeous!" Julie beams as I walk down the stairs. "I should take photos!"

"No, really it's okay" I really don't want a fuss. This isn't exactly how I imagined prom when I was younger, spending it with my best friend and her girlfriend. I also thought it would be my parents standing at the bottom of the stairs gazing up at me.

My dress was actually my moms, which I just vamped up a bit. It's red, silk, goes to floor with a slit in it exposing my leg and goes in on the waist and Kate lent me some of her heels.

"Someone is here for you" Julie says.

"Oh, that's the first time I have ever known Kate to be early" I run to the door, as best I can with these heels. I swing the door open, expecting to see Kate's pissed off face, for dragging her to this thing, but it's not her.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Wow you look beautiful" his eyes run up and down my whole body.


"Look I'm sorry to just turn up out of the blue, but I can't stop thinking about you since we last spoke"

"I can't do this right now"

"Please stop pushing me away, I love you Violet. Can we not just talk this out"

"I don't have time for this, I have somewhere to be" I shut the door before he can say anything else. Tonight is meant to be fun, about saying goodbye to high school and leaving it all behind.

"Honey, what happened between you too?" Julie says resting her hand on my shoulder.

"It's complicated"

"Don't you love him?"


"Then it's not that complicated"

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