Chapter 21 Cole

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I shove Luna off my me as, she tries to lick my face. "You know I have an alarm clock to wake me!" she looks up at me with her big brown puppy dog eyes, which she definitely is not since she is the size of a small bear and weighs nearly the same amount as me.

"Stop it, you know I am a push over and I know that's the only reason you prefer me over mom" that and I give her treats all day long, but who couldn't with that face.

I grab a t-shirt of my floor, but see it's got a stain on and grab another. I run out of the house without eating breakfast, as I haven't had an appetite since the party. Mom screams after me, as I am half way down the driveway, to say goodbye and throws me an apple. I haven't told mom that me and Violet have broken up, but she knows something is up. It's that super power moms have and the fact that I have barely left my bed in days.

I am surprised mom dropped the whole Violet thing and didn't force me into breaking it off myself. But maybe she saw that Violet actually made me happy, happier than I have been in years. Mom has seen me go through a rough time and maybe she was letting me have a break, I think she is softening up a bit.

As I walk to class, I scan the hall for her. I doubt she will even be in today, since she took yesterday off. I hate that she felt like she couldn't come to school, because of me. I walk the long way to class, so I don't have to walk past her locker. I haven't even thought about what I am going to say to her yet if I do see her. Will she even want to see me? I want to see her more than anything, these past few days have been killing me. We haven't spent this long apart since we met. But I am afraid if I see her now, she will still be so angry and upset with me, which I can't bear to see.

I scurry to lesson, trying to avoid looking at anyone the whole time, as I keep thinking I see Violet everywhere. Since when has there been these many girls with blonde hair and blue eyes at my school. I keep picturing her bright blue eyes, her beautiful olive tan skin and the cute way her mouth turns up at the sides when she looks at me when she thinks I am not looking.

I don't know how to fix what I did, but I am going to try everything I can to do it.

The rest of the day is just as miserable as I suspected. I couldn't concentrate in any lessons. Coach threw the ball at my head and made me sit out today, because I was bringing the team down, his words.

Every time I turn a corner, I think I am going to see her. My heart drops every time I see someone who looks remotely like her.

"So that's when I just pushed her of the bridge"


"I've been talking to you for ten minutes and you haven't been listening to me!"

"Sorry, I just have stuff on my mind"

"Yeah I know, that's why this weekend we are going out" this seems to be Justin's only solution to anything.

"No way!"

"Yes, it is exactly what you need. You need a bit of fun, you can't just mope around all the time. You need another girl to get her of your mind"

"Justin this really isn't helping. It's only been a few days, there is no way I am going to get with anyone else when I love Violet"

"Well I hope you're not going to wait around forever for her" Justin is a great friend, but he has never been the comforting type. He has never been in love, so I don't expect for him to get it. The closest he has been to a break up is being rejected by a girl then five minutes later he is onto the next one.

I zone out again leaving the guys to their conversation, as I eat my lunch. A moment later a familiar face appears through the cafeteria doors, it's Kate. My eyes shoot up and I watch to see if Violet follows behind her, but Kate is alone. She must have stayed home again today, I hope something else isn't wrong with her.

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