Chapter 27 Cole

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As she leaves me standing there again taking another part of my heart, I brush myself off. I collect everything I set up and jump straight in my car. I know this isn't the end of it, so I am not going to let it get me down any more. I will get my girl back, if not tonight, soon.

I sit in my car for a bit to think. I need to think this through before I chase after her. I need to plan what to say and I need to give her some time to think about things. Maybe I shouldn't go. She just turned me down she won't want me to be running after her. She doesn't want me. I make a detour on the way.

The basketball court is dead, of course because no sane person would come to play at midnight in the pitch-black dark, but this is the only thing that helps clear my head.

I grab the ball and turn to the car park to the headlights blinding me. Someone jumps out of the car and walks towards me. Once they finally come into view, I see it is Justin.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"She turned me down. She couldn't get away quick enough"

"Then why didn't you go after her?"

"Because I am pathetic, she doesn't love me Justin. It's over"

"Yeah you are pretty pathetic. Pathetic for giving up so easy. What happened to never giving up on her? To loving her and wanting to be with her no matter what. Making her forgive you"

"Yeah but she doesn't love me back and I can't force her to"

"You don't deserve her if you're not going to fight for her. Now get your ass in that car and go and see her. You belong together. You both made each other so happy, where you made everyone else feel sick. If you don't try you will always regret it and think what if"

"You're right"

"Hell yeah I am right"

Thank god the roads are pretty quiet and I whizz through every light on green, until I get to the last one. It turns to red as soon as I approach it and I slam the wheel in frustration. She feels miles away. I question if I should just run the red light, but I decide against it. The last thing I need is a cop pulling me over. Then I will never get to Violet.

Finally, the light changes and I press on the gas, as fast as I can.

I feel sick the whole way there and for a moment I actually thought I was going to have to pull over. Before prom I was so excited, yeah, I was nervous of course, but more excited. I just thought that it would work, that Violet would see the effort I put into it and take me back, but boy was I wrong. I know she is most likely going to turn me down again, but I need to fight for what I want and stop being such a push over like everything else in my life.

As I pull into her road, I can see her standing on her front door step going through her purse. She must have walked all the way home for it to take her this long. But I am so glad I caught her. I pull up outside and jump out.

As she turns around, she doesn't look at all surprised to see me.

"I thought you might have run inside, as soon as you saw me"

"Yeah I would have, but I can't find my house keys"

"Fair enough"

"Look Cole, I don't want to fight anymore I am so tired and sick of this. And to be honest I hate it, I hate being mean to you and pushing you away"

"Then don't"

"It's not that simple" Why does she keep saying that?

"Violet you have to understand-"

"Cole I thought I made myself clear earlier"

"No, I made a promise to myself tonight that I am not giving up on us. You can tell me no all you want, you can push me away, you can give up on us, but I won't ever. I love you Violet and I know you loved me. I will come back every day and declare my love to you if that what it takes. I will do anything to be with you and that will never change. I don't know how to fix this, but I will. I promise I will. I will do anything to fix it. I know it will never be the same, even if we can't be like we were I am going to try, because Violet I don't want to live without you and I won't" I take a long breath after that. Violet looks stunned and tears fill her eyes threatening to fall over.

"I know you don't love me, but I love you and I think we can get it back"

"What? Of course I love you. I have always loved you and never stopped, that didn't change after everything. I wish I never loved you, because things would be a lot simpler, but I do"

"Then why can't we be together? I promise to you that I will never lie to you again and I will spend every day making it up to you"

"It's not that simple"

"Stop saying that! Tell me!"

"Your moving away! That's why" now the tears really do fall down her cheeks. "Your leaving and I can't handle that. You are going to leave me and break my heart all over again and I can't handle that"

"This was always the plan for both of us to leave this place and move somewhere far away for college"

"But now it is a reality" I can hear the fear in her voice and pull her closer to me pulling her into a hug. At first, I think she is going to pull away, but she then she wraps her arms around me and cries into my chest. I rest my head on hers and rub her back, whilst she sobs into my suit. She pulls away to soon, but still stays close and looks up into my eyes.

"I love you Cole, but I can't be with you and then have to break up all over again in a few months, it isn't fair"

"We don't have to break up, we can do long distance"

"No that never works, besides I won't be able to afford to fly and see you when paying for college"

"Then come with me"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe just a little. Okay it sounds crazy, but I am crazy for you. We can be together. What is stopping us? There is nothing here for us and where ever else you go you won't know anyone"

"I don't know. This is all too much, I can't decide the rest of my life right here now on the spot"

"Okay you don't have too. We have all summer and whatever happens at least we will have spent our last summer together here. I want to spend every last minute together and we can do that. Please just say you will think about it"



"Okay I will think about it"

Before I know it, I am kissing her. My fingers in her hair and her hands around my neck. It feels like heaven.

"Can we go eat, I'm starving"

"How about Zed's?" we both say in union.

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