Chapter 23 Cole

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Two months later

"Coach I think I am done now" 

"You are done when I say you are. Now two more laps then twenty in the hoop and every time you miss you start again!" coach has been working me extremely hard ever since I applied for college. He doesn't let me have a day off, but I wouldn't have it any other way. But I think he will be the death of me, but as long as it gets me in to college that's fine with me.

Once I am finally done with practice me and Justin go grab some food from Zed's. The old bell on the door chimes as we walk through, giving me that nostalgic feeling. The place is pretty busy today. My eyes scan the room looking for a free table. 

"Hey look there is some of the guys from school, let's see if we can sit with them" he nudges me to make a move, but my eyes are on something else, well someone.

"I'll give you a minute" Justin walks off towards the table, but my eyes are glued to her. She hasn't seen me yet. She is at the cash register paying for something. I look around and she is all alone. God, I haven't heard her voice in three months. Three long months. She probably doesn't want to talk to me or even see me. I should probably go and sit down and just avoid this whole awkward situation, but my feet are stuck to the floor. Because of my incredibly busy schedule thanks to coach, we hardly even pass each other in the hall.                                         

Okay I am going to do it, just go over to her and say hey. Don't just stand here like an idiot staring. I'll probably get chucked out in a minute for creeping. I go to walk forwards and she turns around at the same time causing us to bump straight into each other. She drops her bag of food on the floor and scurries to pick it up 

"Gosh, sorry, I'm so clumsy"  

"No, it was my fault, sorry" her face snaps back up to look at me. 

"Cole" she says it more as a question.


"Sorry, I know this is your place, but I couldn't stop thinking back to when you use to bring me here and the food was incredible so I needed a fix"

"Don't be silly, you can come here anytime. I would never deprive anyone from this glorious food" a little laugh escapes her mouth and it sound like heaven. 

"I've applied for some colleges for a basketball scholarship"

"What? Cole that's amazing!" she throws her arms around me to give me a hug and I just wish I could freeze this moment and stay here forever.

"Sorry" she pulls away "I'm just so happy for you, you deserve it" her eyes glaze over and for a moment I think she is going to cry, but it disappears.

"Thank you that means a lot" a sudden thought pops into my head. I wonder if she is still seeing Mike. I shake my head, trying to ignore it, because the answer may be too painful.

"So, how did your mom take it?"

"Well you know her, it took a while but she came around" I think back to the moment I told her. I had put it off for so long and finally plucked up the courage to do it. I paced in the living room until she got home from work. I sat her down, trying not to have a heart attack, and just came out with it. I told her I was going to do it with or without her support. I told her I was going to get a job to save and I had already spoke to coach and he was helping me.

At first, she thought this was me trying to rebel, she went on about me not getting enough attention. But I told her this isn't a phase or something to hurt it, it was my dream. It surprised me how fast she came around actually, but she did. She has a meeting with coach to discuss what was going to happen and they agreed on a plan for me. She still wants me to go to the best college possible, but I can finally do what I want to do there.

"We are actually moving to Florida, to be with my sister. We have wanted to get out of this place for years, but now it's the right time and it's the right place to be with my sister. My mom can't cope any longer not seeing her and now my sister can't make any excuses" and my mom's boyfriend has gotten a job over there, so it has all worked out. Apparently, it isn't just me who can keep secrets. Mom had been dating this guy for nearly a year and didn't tell me, but it explained why she was always at the office, but actually out with him. He is actually a good guy and we get along good. I am just happy she is finally happy and she can start her life over again fresh.

"Wow" she looks stunned and a bit sad, but I'm not sure why. "Florida that's so far"

"I know, it's going to hurt leaving everyone, but there is still time yet we have all summer" 

"Well, I've got to go, bye" she suddenly seems to be in a rush but before she goes, she turns back around. "I'm glad I saw you"

"Me too" fuck my heart is with that girl, but I have to leave her behind.

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