Chapter 26 Violet

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I have finally come to the conclusion that prom is massively over rated. I'm stuck in a hall full of loved up couples dancing and I'm sitting here watching my best friend dance with her girlfriend.

I don't know why I thought this was going to be a good idea and I can't even drink. I thought someone was always meant to spike the punch bowl at these things. And where is the food because I am starving?

"Come dance with us!" Kate shouts over the music. I shake my head and go back to sipping on my bland punch. Suddenly, I am pulled out of my seat by both of arms.

"We are not taking no for an answer, now get your butt out here and dance" it's not as if I have a choice, as they have already dragged me into the middle of the dance floor. I suppose it is only fair for me to do so, as I was the one who forced them both to come with me tonight. I don't know what I was expecting, but I just thought it would feel a little more magical than this.

After a couple of Beyoncé songs, I feel a bit better.

"I think I am going to head home"

"No, you can't it's still early, besides I thought we were going to go somewhere afterwards"

"I'm really not in the mood. Thank you for coming tonight it means a lot. You and Riley have fun alone"

I watch them for a minute, watching them as their faces light up as they dance with each other. I don't know if it will last forever, I hope it does, but if not, at least they know for the time they lasted they were happy.

I turn around to push my way through the crowd, but spot Justin running towards me. My stomach drops. Is something wrong with Cole?

"Finally, there you are. I having been looking all over for you"

"What's wrong? What has happened?" I ask my voice slightly to high.

"You have to come outside someone has broken into your car"

"I don't have a car"

"Yeah, yeah I meant Kate's car"

"Oh, well she is right there I will go get her"

"No! You just need to come" he grabs hold of my arm and drags me behind him through the swarm of people. I don't know what is up with him, but he better let go of me soon, because I'm going to start screaming.

Once we are finally outside, I pull away from him. "Justin what the hell?"

"Sorry about that. Enjoy" and he is gone leaving me standing alone at the back of the school. Enjoy? Enjoy what? What is going on? Is he playing some trick on me? I feel like someone is about to jump out on me. Screw this I am going back inside.

Just as I turn to leave music starts to play. I wait for a moment trying to figure what song it is. It's the smiths. I follow the sound coming from around the corner. This time my stomach drops for an entirely different reason. On the corner of the field there are blankets all laid out on the ground with a cd player. There are ten sun flowers spread out perfectly, just like the one Cole gave me on our first date. The trees surrounded it are covered in white twinkling lights. They drape over each branch connecting the trees and are wrapped around the trunks. There are even little lanterns handing from the trees. It looks magical, like a fairy's home. It's absolutely beautiful.

"I hope you like it, I had to get some of the guys to help me put it all together in time"

"It's amazing Cole, but why?"

"Because I love you Violet. I am so sorry for everything. I know it was unforgivable, but I hope you can find a way"

"I don't know-"

"Look I got you corsage. I wanted to get you a red one to match your dress, but they were all out, you know it being prom night and everything. So, I got you a violet one, I thought it was fitting"

"I don't know what to say"

"Say that we can be together, that you can try and forgive me and that we can work on it"

"This is all so beautiful, I love it"

"I knew you would and the music"

"Yes, it is great, but this changes nothing. Did you think by putting some lights up I would be able to forget everything? And let's say I could, it's not as simple as that"

"Why isn't it that simple. If we love each other what is stopping us?"

"Too many things, I'm sorry I can't" I walk off brushing away my tears. Cole shouts my name until I am out of the car park. It breaks my heart leaving him there, but I have to.

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