Chapter 22 Violet

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One month later

Today is the day of the history presentation. We have been doing it all week and me and Cole are one of the last ones to do ours. Every day it got closer to today the sickening feeling in my stomach grew bigger and bigger. I haven't spoken to Cole in over a month. We pass each other in the halls and see each other in class, but we just look away as if we don't exist. Cole did try to speak to me at the start he would call multiple times a day, send a dozen text and even came around to the home, but I ignored it all. I have done my part of the preparing for the presentation alone, I just hope he has done his part. For now, I try to shove the dread to the back of my mind until last period.

I grab some books from my locker and as I go to slam the door shut, I can sense someone behind me. Please don't be him, please don't be him! I slowly turn around and relieved to see it is Mike, which is something I never thought I would say.


"Erm hi"

"How are you?"

"I'm okay, if that is all I've got to go" I shove my books in my bag and go to leave.

"Wait" he grabs my elbow to stop me "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time. Grab some food or something" he scratches the back of his head looking nervous. Mike nervous? I didn't think it was possible with his ego.

"I'm not so sure" I begin to say but he cuts me off

"Look I am really sorry about what happened between us before. I was a jerk, I should have never of tried to kiss you, I had too much to drink and my ego was hurt" Well at least he admits it.

"Thanks, but that's not really the issue. I have just come out of a relationship not to long ago and I am not really ready for anything"

"Just think about it, yeah?" I give him a nod, not wanting to a total bitch.

"What was that all about?" Kate basically pounces on me, as soon as Mike is out of sight.

"Jesus, Kate give me some warning first!"

"Come on, why were you speaking to Mike?"

"I wasn't speaking to him, he was speaking to me and he was just seeing if I wanted to go out sometime, but I obviously said no"

"Why?" she asks sounding genuinely shocked.

"Because I am not ready to see anyone else, I don't know if you have forgotten but I am still in love with you know who"

"As if I could forget, it's all you ever go on about. Violet you need to have a bit of fun, take your mind of Cole. Obviously, I would prefer it wasn't with that asshole, but why not?"

"Kate I can't, I can't even think about going out let alone do it"

"Exactly, how many nights have you stayed in since you and Cole broke up? How many nights have you been in bed by 8pm eating ice cream watching trashy movies? I am worried about you Violet. Go out, let lose, have some fun. Your letting Cole win"

"It's just dinner"

"Yeah okay whatever, but dinner is a start. It will help the process of moving on, tell him at lunch that you will go. Maybe me and Riley can come with" Kate is right, I am letting Cole win. I am letting him take over my whole life and control it, which he doesn't deserve.

The day goes by way too fast for my liking and it is already last period. The fact I am going to have to speak to Cole, that we haven't rehearsed once and that I am a nervous wreck when I have to speak in front of others, is all very overwhelming.

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