Chapter 19 Cole

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As I walk down the hall a arm snakes around my waist. I immediately think it is Violet and turn around ready to take her in my arms. My smile instantly falls, as I realise it is Ashleigh.

"Hey, so when are you going to take me out?"

"It's been too long since we have hung out. Justin said you were going to take me out. So, when are we going out?"

"Never" I state blankly.

"Why?" she pouts, stroking my arm, which makes me want to rip my it off, so I take a step back from her.

"I have a girlfriend, Violet. You know that" I walk away from her, done with this conversation. She is crazy if she thinks I am going to go out with her when I am with Violet, I would never even look at another girl. I didn't even want to go out with Ashleigh before Violet and I told Justin that, but he to obsessed with being a wing man.

"Come on, she is no fun. Don't you think I am more of your type" she says falling into step next to me. My type? what would she know about my type? Besides a girl who is living of Daddy's money, maxing out his credit cards on fish nets and 8 inch heels, isn't my type.

"Go away, Ashleigh"

"She isn't good for you"

"What would you know is good for me? You don't even know her" she just wants what she can't have, she wasn't even that interested in me before, but I suppose that's what you get with spoilt girls.

"Yeah, but it's got to be hard to know what your dad did to her parents" she says and my blood goes cold. My mouth doesn't seem to be working, because I can't get any words out. My brain can't comprehend what she is saying and for a moment I think I am going to pass out.

How could she know?

"What?" I finally manage to muster out.

"Yeah, I heard you and Justin talking about it in the store. I thought it was you two down the aisle so I went to go say hi, but you were both so caught up in your conversation you didn't even notice me and I didn't want to interrupt" she says with an evil smirk on her face. She is actually enjoying this. She is getting a kick out of my pain.

How stupid could I be to talk about something like that in public? I should had waited till Justin had finished work. I wasn't thinking, I just needed to talk to someone. Now out of all the people who could know, it's Ashleigh, who is clearly a bitch.

"Look, Ashleigh you cannot tell Violet. It will only hurt her and she doesn't deserve that. Please, I'm begging you" at this point I would get down on my knees in front of everyone and literally beg, anything for her not to tell anyone.

"Okay, I won't tell Violet" she shrugs casually. "I'm not cruel, but you got to come to my party this Saturday and bring all your friend's" she says and sashays off before I can say anything more.

"Hey, you took your time" Violet says walking towards me. She is waiting outside of History for me. She is the only one outside, because everyone has already gone in.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I got caught up talking to someone"

"You okay?" she asks frowning at me. I am clearly not good at hiding my emotions or she just knows me to well.

"Yeah, I'm just not up for one of Mr James lectures" which isn't technically a lie.

"Come on, we are late enough as it is" she takes my hand and leads me in.


I shove on a pair of trousers that are crumpled up on the floor and the nearest t-shirt. I am definitely not going to make an effort for this party. We pull up with all the guys rammed in my truck. As I don't drink, I am one of the only person who drives to these things, which usually makes me the fool who drives everybody about all night.

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