Chapter 14 Violet

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The day after my party I don't wake up until noon. I woke with Emily in face, because she thought I was dead, and screamed when I told her to get away from me. My head feels groggy and when I finally drag myself downstairs, I have to act like I am perfectly fine in front of everyone, even though all I want to do is crawl back into bed and hide from the world.

"Good morning sunshine!" Gary shouts as I enter the kitchen, as if he knows how I feel and is trying to make me suffer. He smirks at me as I groan and rub my head.

"It's too early!"

"It's lunch time!" he says shaking his head at me. He is wearing a stupid striped apron he wears every time he cooks something. Anytime that comes out he thinks he is a professional chef and there is no going near him. He is currently making omelettes and flipping them in the air, clearly trying to impress us all. My phones dings and everyone turns to look at me. Sometimes I feel like an animal in a zoo here.

"It's just Kate, she is on the way. That's okay right?"

"Yeah of course, I'll put another omelette on!" Gary chimes cheerfully. Gary and Julie really like Kate, even though she is the worst influence, but they don't see it. Kate is really good at charming others into believing she is little miss perfect. But that works our great for me too, because she gets to come over often.

I decide to go up to bedroom and wait for Kate there. The smell of omelettes was making me feel sick and if we sit downstairs, I know I won't get a word in edge wise with her with this lot.

"Hey!" she burst through the door a couple minutes later. She is just in track suit bottoms and an oversized jumper, but she still looks fresh and awake.

"How are you okay? You drank double of what I drank"

"It just takes practice" she shrugs. I know she has had plenty of that.

"I went home with Riley, last night" she says, actually blushes.

"Really? How was it?" I've always wanted to gush about boys and girls with Kate, but she never has been the type. It's always just been a bit of fun for her and nothing more. I get a bit to giddy and calm myself down, before she decides not to share.

"We didn't do anything yet, I didn't want to be drunk with her. We just fell asleep"

"Are you in love?"

"No, shut up! I dont know, maybe. Ugh how do you do this soppy relationship shit"

"Maybe not call it relationship shit" I laugh and Kate just groans and covers her face with her hands.

"I don't know how this works and I really don't want to mess this up!"

"You won't, you will get used to it, it takes practice" I say mocking her voice with the last part. She narrows her eyes at me, but says nothing. "Kate, stop over thinking it. I'm sure Riley is feeling the same as you are. I'm new at this as well"

"Yeah, but you and Cole are like a poster couple. Your perfect, you just clicked straight away like you had always been together" my cheeks turn red now with what she says. A warm feeling spreads through me at hearing someone else talk about me and Cole like that. We are not perfect like Kate says, but it feels good to know others can see how we feel about each other. We have moved quite quickly in our relationship, but hearing someone else talk about us like that re-ensures me.

"Kate, I love you and Riley would be stupid to not want to be with you. You need to believe in yourself, you are worth so much and anyone would be lucky to be with you" tears fill Kate's eyes and she lunges over the bed and wraps her arms around me. We both fall back on the bed and I wrap my arms around her hugging her as hard as I could.

"Thank you" she whispers in my ear. I have never seen this much emotion from Kate so I decide not to push it anymore and tell her all about me and Cole and what we got up to last night.

After Kate left, I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and I ended up at the cemetery. "Hey mom, hey dad" I sit down in front of the grave and pick at the weeds growing around it. "So, I met someone, a boy. Don't freak out Dad, he is a really good guy, you would love him. He plays basketball and he is really good, like pro good. You could have played together. Mom you would have adored him, he has beautiful blonde hairs, with these cute curls and a smile that makes your knees weak" after speaking to Kate, I knew I had to come here and tell them all about Cole, that's what I would do if they were here. Even though they are not here, they still deserve to know. I know they are watching over me, they probably sent me Cole.

"I am really falling for him"

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