Chapter 3 Cole

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The real answer is I dont know why I just did that. I have never hit anyone before. Even when I have been drunk out of my face I have managed to never get into a fight.  Now Violet probably thinks I am some crazy violent person who loses their anger and goes around punching people.

"I have never liked that guy anyway" I shrug. That's true. I have never hung around with him and his mates. That group of guys are the ones who hang around alleys at night drinking and smoking weed and they all expect girls to just crawl to them. Just because they are on the football team, they think they are better than everyone else.

"Me either!" she scoffs. "Well actually I did like him, I don't know why. Maybe it's that bad boy charm all the girls like, but under that he is a dick." I couldn't agree with her more, well except for the bit about liking him.  "And about what he said about me being a tease and stuff I never slept with him or anything. He wanted to but I pushed him off." Her cheeks are tinted pink and she looks away embarrassed. God he is a dick.

"Violet you don't have to explain yourself to me" all though I was relieved when she said she hadn't slept with him. Violet abruptly jumps up off the wall and turns to me.

"Well I better get home, I don't think we should go back in there," she gestures towards the house.  Something sinks in me. I kind of hoped we could sit here talking for a little bit. She must read my mind because she goes on "I'm sorry I have to get home or my parents will kill me if I am any later, but thank you again for well you know." I nod understanding.

"I'll walk you home," I suggest, doing a quick prayer in my head that she will let me.

"What so you can punch anymore guys that get in my way?" she says as she starts to walk off, but then starts laughing hysterically. "Come on!" she gestures me to follow her.

"So, what is Cole Green's story?" Violet asks as we walk along the dark streets. Normally I wouldn't be wondering the streets at this time of night especially when we are walking in the opposite direction to my house, but I know I don't want to stop talking to Violet.

"My story?" I ask confused.

"Yeah you know your story. What goes on in Cole Green's life? I know nothing about you." It felt good hearing that she wants to know about me, not many people are interested enough to ask.

"Okay first of all please don't refer to me as Cole Green it sounds weird and secondly, I don't have a story." she rolls her eyes at me.

"Oh, everyone has a story. Besides we have spoken quite a few times now and the only thing I know about you is your name" this is true, but I was trying to play it cool with her and not bore her about my life.

"Well I'm Eighteen, I have a older sister called Jessica, I have lived in this town my whole life and I want to be a lawyer or some sort of business like that" Violet stops dead in her tracks.

"Boring! that's not your story, but we can save that for later. But how can you want to be a lawyer?" she asks, as if I had just told her I want to be a serial killer.

"Well it's not what I want to be it's what I am going to be" I state, realising they are two very different things.

"Well what do you want to be?"

"A basketball player." I reply realising I had never admitted that before to anyone. I would never normally tell anyone that and hardly know this girl and I just tell her without a second thought.  

"I like that" she smiled. I was shocked by her response and a smile took over my face. Everyone knew I loved basketball of course, I was on the basketball team, but I never showed any further interest in it. I was never allowed.

We carried on walking under the dull street lights in silence for a couple of minutes. Even though we were walking down streets I have walked down hundreds of times. Just a load of houses and cars surrounding you,  in this moment it felt peaceful. The full moon shone down on us and there was light breeze in the air. I looked into the houses around me, some were in complete darkness, everyone asleep for the night. But some had warm lights on, they looked cosy with a family sitting around the TV all laughing. It looked like an advert for something.  It looks like a perfect family, but behind those windows everything may be crashing down around them. Just because something looks perfect doesn't mean it is. I know that more than anyone.

"Well this is me" Violet said bringing me back to reality. We had stopped just before an alley way. Violet started to fidget and look uncomfortable, as I hesitated and looked down into the alley. "Thanks for walking me home, I had a good night, see you in history," Violet blurted out, as she dashed down the alley. Before I could question her, she was gone. I couldn't stop thinking about this the whole walk home. What was she hiding from me? Did she not want me to see her house? Was she embarrassed of something? Me? But then it hit me what Justin had said before, she lives in a foster home.

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