Chapter 13 Cole

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My phone pings and it is a text from Kate saying they are outside. I quickly turn the music off and make everyone get down. The sickening feeling has come back in my stomach, as I hear the car door slam and then the key in the door. I ignore it and put a smile on. As the door swings open the lights switch on and everyone screams Surprise! 

Violet's face consumes with shock, confusion and joy. When the smile spreads across her face, I feel like a weight has been released from me. I rush over to her and embrace her in a hug and pick her up. "Hey!" she squeals and I put her down. "Did you do this?" she says her eyes flying all across the room taking everything in. Quite a lot of people turned up and they have now all gone back to drinking and dancing.

"Well not just me, Kate as well" 

"No, it was all him. I just provided the house" Kate says and leaves us alone.

"How did you do all of this? I thought you only found out it was my birthday this morning?" 

"I did, I pulled all this together in three hours. It's nothing really" I lie. I surprised myself with pulling this together in the short amount of time and I really didn't think I would get it done.

"Thank you" she kisses me taking me off guard, but then I grab her waist and pull her closer. "I thought you had forgotten about tonight"

"I could never"

"Well I'm still not happy that you didn't listen to me about not wanting to do anything, I really don't like the attention. Not that anyone is paying me any, because I don't think I know over half of the people here"

We walk into the kitchen and Justin is already pouring shots that are lined up all along the kitchen top. "Hey birthday girl, you get the first shot" he announces. Violet grabs the shot and downs it without flinching. I am shocked and impressed all in one and a little turned on. Before I know it, Violet has downed another shot and I pull her away before she can take another one.

"Slow down, we have all night" she pouts at me, but doesn't argue.

"Eighteen shots for your eighteenth. How about that Violet?" Justin asks.

"No fucking way!" I but in before she can answer him.

"What you don't think I can handle it?" Violet challenges me, but she is biting her lip trying to hide a grin. There is no way I am letting this girl take eighteen shots. I'm not going to let her kill herself will alcohol poisoning or god knows what else.

"Chill out, I'm just playing" Justin shoves my shoulder playfully. I do need to chill out. Fuck, I need a drink.

"Look I won't drink anymore tonight, if you want" Violet says, as if she is reading my thoughts.

"No, you can drink all you want. I want you to have fun, I'm fine" I reassure her. Even if I could drink I wouldn't. I know how these parties go and I need to watch over Violet, especially if she is drinking. "So, do you actually like the party? You don't have to lie. I wasn't sure if you would want one, but I just really wanted to do something" I say fidgeting with the red cup in my hand.

"Cole, I love it!" she says looking into my eyes. "I've never had a party like this. It means a lot"

"Even though I know most the people are here for the alcohol and not me" she states looking around at the people dancing. 

"That's not true" I frown, but she raises an eyebrow at me "Well maybe, but I wasn't sure who to invite and Kate listed about five people who you like" I say truthfully and she just laughs not offended at all.

"Violet, I need you to help me out. I was thinking you could set me up with Kate." Justin says taking one of his shots. Violet tries to stifle a laugh, but fails. "I don't think you are her type, actually you are probably perfect for each other. But I'm sorry she is taken. She is probably here, you should meet her"

"She?" Justin's eyes go wide. I'm not going to lie I actually got a kick out of seeing his face fall like that. Don't get me wrong Justin is my best friend, but I know how he treats girls and I definitely wouldn't want him messing around with Violet's best friend. That would just cause issues for us when he screwed her over and we both had to pick sides.

The party is going well and is just as thriving a few hours in, as it was the start. Only one person has been sick so far, but they didn't manage to get to the bathroom in time. I cringed at the thought of Kate's parents coming home to this, but Kate just shrugged and carried on dancing.

Violet hasn't left my side the whole night and I am selfishly grateful. We are sitting on the couch, she is sitting on my lap her arms wrapped around my neck and her head on my chest. Suddenly the smiths come on and I am yanked up of the couch. I think the alcohol must have hit Violet now, because she has a stupid grin on her face as she drags me across the room to dance. She wobbles a bit and I steady her and she hooks her arms around my neck and moves her hips back and forth to the song. She is so sexy. "I love this song" she shouts over the music, informing me as if I didn't know by her playing it every time she got in my truck.

"I know that's why I added it to the playlist" I chuckle. All the dancing seems to have sobered Violet up a bit and she quickly downs a pint of water. We sit down in the kitchen for a rest and I can see the beads of sweat forming on her head.

As we join the party again a group of people are sitting in a circle on the floor. "Come on, we are playing truth or dare!" Kate shouts popping her head out of the circle.

"No way am I playing that again" Violet exclaims. It's probably for the best after what happened last time. Besides I don't get why everyone loves that game, it's something middle school kids play at sleepovers. Violet looks up to me hoping I will agree with her and of course I do.

"Come on let's go somewhere quieter" she whispers in my ear and her breath makes me shiver. I nod unable to speak. She takes me by the hand and leads me upstairs into a bedroom. I shut the door behind us and lock it to ensure nobody walks in. Violet sits on the end of the bed and I follow her. "Thank you for tonight, I had more fun than I thou-" but before she can finish, I cut her off. I swallow her words, as I kiss her. She quickly climbs onto my lap and runs her hands through my hair. I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer. I pull away and she pouts at me.

"I really like you, Violet" I say looking into her eyes, ensuring she knows I mean it.

"I really like you too" she smiles and kisses me again. I deepen the kiss and she tugs at my hair making me go crazy. I roll us over so I am lying on top of her and she wraps her legs around my waist. She tugs at my shirt and I help her remove it and within a second her dress is on the floor. I run my hands up and down her body. Her skin feels so soft and smooth. She is wearing matching black underwear, which I can't stop staring at.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask, aware that she has been drinking earlier tonight.

"Yeah, of course" she says kissing my neck. 

She grabs my belt to undo it. "Wait, I don't have a condom"

"It's okay, we don't need one for what I want to do" she says with a smirk and climbs on top of me, unbuttoning my pants.

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