Chapter 16 Violet

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I haven't heard from Cole all weekend. From the moment we met we have talked every day. If we can't meet up, he will always text or call me. I don't know if something is wrong. What if he doesn't want to be with me any more after what we did together on Friday? What if he thinks differently of me now?    

I woke up Saturday all giddy and happy, but now I feel as if I can't breathe watching my phone. I know I should just call him, but I'm scared of what he will say.     

I drag myself to school early to get to my locker whilst nobody is here. When I walk through the car park, I spot Cole's truck straight away. There are only a few cars here this early, mostly just teachers. I get a sickening feeling, as I walk into school because I know he is going to be waiting there for me. I make the walk to my locker painfully slow, trying to buy more time to think about what I am going to say to him. What if he is here to break up with me?

He has his hood up and when he looks up at me, I can see the black bags under his eyes. "Hey!" he says and tries to grab me around the waist and kiss me. I quickly pull away and he has a confused expression on his face. Why is he acting so normal?      

"What the hell Cole!" I raise my voices and he pulls away from me.         

"What's wrong?"      

"You didn't call or text all weekend. Do you not want to be with me anymore after what we did?"

"Oh my god, Violet no. Of course, I want to be with you. Why, you don't regret it do you?"   

"No, do you?"  

"Hell no!" Then why was he here waiting for me? Why was he acting so weird?    

"Then what is wrong?" I ask even more confused. I was sure that was why is he being weird.

"Nothing" he scratches the back of his head "Let's go somewhere"     


"I don't know let's go on an adventure, we can skip school for the day. I want to get away for a bit"       

"What do you mean an adventure? We live in Silver Lake, it's not an adventure town" I laugh, assuming he is joking.          

"We could drive down to San Diego. Please Violet, we just need to get away from everything"

"From what?" he is hiding something and I want to know what.      

"Just trust me please" he begs me with his big hazel eyes never leaving mine.   

I must be crazy, no insane, but I agree. I let him take my hand and lead me to his truck and off we go. I have never skipped school before and the thought of it makes me nervous, but it is also kind of exciting as well.  I want to trust him and if he is going through something than I want to help him through it.                                                                                                         

I have never been to San Diego. I haven't really been anywhere other than Silver lake. The drive was long and I mostly sat in silence. I stared out of the window for most of it watching the world go by. I roll my window down slightly to let some air in. It is surprisingly warm for a winter's day. The sun is out and there isn't a cloud in sight. "Have you ever been before?"    

"No, have you?"        

"No, I was meant to go when I was seven with my grandad, but he died before we could go. The day before actually"          

"I dont know why I just told you that. That wasn't a good story" I can see him physically cringing at his own words. I don't know why it suddenly feels uncomfortable to be around each other. I wonder if I shouldn't have agreed to come. Everyone at school will be wondering where I am and by everyone, I mean Kate. She will be blowing my phone up any second.          

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