Chapter 6 Violet

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As soon as I get home from school, I help Julie and Gary with dinner. We always have to have dinner really early, because the boys have to go to bed so early because they are still so young. Its's just easier if we eat all together, Julie and Gary already do a lot for us. Me and Charlotte set the table, whilst Julie is showing Emily how to peel and chop the vegetables. We all sit down and say grace. The boys always peek their eyes open and giggle, whilst doing this, thinking no one will know.

Cameron is sat next to me and I help feed him. He is the youngest here, he just turned two a month ago. He was left in a shopping mall one day by himself, unwanted. I dont know how anyone could give Cameron up, I am putty in his hands just by looking at his gorgeous blue eyes and brown curly hair. When he first arrived, he wouldn't stop screaming for a week straight. He must have been so frightened at his age, unaware of what was going on, who these new people were, this new house, wondering where his mom was and when she was coming back. But the truth was she was never coming back. Emily and Sasha's parents still come visit them, they still want them but are just not allowed for different reasons. They sometimes come and take them out for fun day trips and they come back with gifts and photos and tales about what they have done that day. Don't get me wrong I am really happy for them, but it kills me a bit every time they come. When I watch the parents pull up and Emily or Sasha run down the drive way and fall into their arms, it just reminds me that it will never be me.

I blow on the spoonful of food before I put it to Cameron's mouth, but he refuses to open it. I try and wave it about a bit pretending it is an aeroplane or train, but he still wouldn't budge. So, I pretend to give in and then quickly tickle him and he screams and shows me his massive cheesy smile with his crooked teeth. He finally takes the spoonful whilst still giggling to himself.

After dinner it is Amy and Sasha's turn to help clean up the dishes, but I chip in even though it isn't my day, knowing it will get done a lot faster with me. The girls usually complain about doing it for 20 minutes and by the time they actually get started they are arguing about who does what and then start splashing water at each other. As I start drying up the dishes my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out to see I have a text from Cole. I wipe my hands on the towel I was holding and open the message. I read Wanna meet up at the library? We need to start our history project we keep putting off, Cole.

The history project had totally slipped my mind until now and that I gave Cole my number to meet up for it. I looked at the clock, it was still early and I had no more chores or homework to do. I went to speak to Julie and she agreed I could go, because it was for a project. I texted Cole back yeah sure, I can only work for an hour tho, meet in 20 mins? Cole quickly messages back agreeing and I go upstairs to grab my bag.

I walk to the library and get there before Cole does. I go inside anyway and sit at the nearest empty desk and start getting my history notes out. Before I can even spread them out Cole arrives. As soon as he spots me he smiles and walks straight over. "Hey, I'm sorry you wasn't here yet and I wasn't sure if I should wait outside for you or just come in and wait, so I decided to just get us a table" I was rambling on. I look like the biggest idiot. I shut up before I can embarrass myself even more.

"It's fine, sorry I was a bit late there was traffic" he replies with a warm smile. I just smiled back not sure what to say. God why did I have to be so awkward? I have talked to Cole enough times now where I should be able to act normal around him, but something just feels different around him. He makes me feel nervous. "Did you drive here?" he asks whilst pulling his notes out of his bag.

"Oh, no I don't have a car. I walked here" I said suddenly embarrassed. "So I have wrote down some points we can talk about for the presentation" I say pushing the sheet across the table. "Great, let's get started" Cole says clapping his hands together. For the next hour we got a good start on our presentation. I used the computers to look up dates and other facts, whilst Cole wrote up our notes. I was surprised at how well we worked together. We made a good team. We got a few looks and got shushed a few times from others when we were being a bit too loud.

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