Chapter 15 Cole

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The next week drags on, as I wait for the last basketball game of the season on Friday. It feels like torture every moment I spend sitting in class rather than practicing. We really need this win, it means a lot to the team, but I really need this for college. Besides every win is a thank you to coach for everything he has done. He says it's because he is happy for us, which is true, but I know it reassures him that he is a good coach. Now that it is today, there is a buzz around school. It's not quite like when it's a football game, but it still feels good. The cabinet is all polished up ready for the trophy to be in its place tonight.

"Are you ready for the big game?" Will, one of my teammates, says grabbing my shoulders from behind.

"Ready as I will ever be!" I say shrugging him off.          

"Don't stress we are going to smash it, see you tonight!" he says and walks of down the corridor. I will admit I am a bit nervous, I have a sickening feeling deep in my stomach. It's only slightly there, but it's there. I never usually get nervous for a game, I know I have practiced and put in everything I have, but tonight is different. Especially since last year we lost, which was a big blow to the team. I wasn't going to let it happen again. Violet was coming tonight, which took the edge off a bit. Her being there cheering me on always makes me feel more relaxed and makes me play better.

A couple hours later we are in the locker room all huddled together. Coach gives us a long speech about how we are going to work together and what it means to win. We have already gone through our tactics, we have watched our games over and over again to look out for what we can improve on. As soon as we walk out into the gym, I scan the bleachers for her. My eyes are running over every person, but I can't see her. What if she hasn't come? What if something has happened to her?

But then I spot her sitting in the front row, she is sat next to Justin. Her eyes are already on me, with a big grin on her face and she is waving like a mad woman. She has my jersey on and my number painted on her cheek. My heart feels as if it could burst just looking at her. I quickly jog over to her and take her in my arms. "I was scared for a minute that you weren't here"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world!" she says burring her face in my neck. I breathe in the smell of her hair, which smells like coconut, and I just wish I could stay like this forever.      

"Cole!" a sharp voice shouts bursting my bubble. As I turn around my mouth physical drops open.       

"Mom" I finally muster up saying once I got myself together. My mom never comes to my games, I haven't even seen her in five days and we live together. Because of her working and me just going out we keep missing each other lately. She was the last person I expected to see here tonight. My mom isn't even supportive of me playing basketball, she thinks it is a waste of time.

"Hey sweetie, I got all my work done so I could come tonight, I know it is important to you" as she says this, I realise it actually means a lot to me that she is here. I suppose even coming to one game is better than nothing, baby steps.  

"Who is this?" my mom asks staring at Violet, who is still holding onto my arm. With everything going on in the past few months I hadn't even told her about Violet. Not because I wanted to hide Violet, I want to show her off to everyone, but I suppose I haven't shared much of my life with my mom over the past few years. I know how mom can be and she is quite protective over us and I didn't want her to judge Violet and sink her claws into her, scaring her off.

Violet drops her hand from my arm and looks very uncomfortable. "This is Violet, my girlfriend"

"Your girlfriend?" she stutters looking confused and shocked.

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