Chapter 9 Cole

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I walk into the empty house throwing my bag down onto the floor in the hall. I spent the day at Justin's playing video games with him and his brothers. It's Sunday, which means mom should be home, but every day this week she has worked late in the office. I think work is a distraction for her, but this is getting too much when I only see her a couple hours a week. 

I walk down the hall and a shiver goes through me, it's cold in here. This has always been my home and I used to wish I would never leave it, but now it doesn't even feel like home. It just feels empty, like it's just a big hole not a home. It's always quiet, too quiet. When I walk into it sometimes it feels like nobody lives here or like I've just walked into a stranger's house. Me and my mom would have moved out by now if it wasn't for me still being in school. She couldn't take me away from my friends, but as soon as I have graduated, we are out of here. I walk into the kitchen and find a note from mom stuck onto the fridge.                                                   

Went back to the office to finish some work, hopefully see you tonight. Lasagne in the fridge love Mom x 

I read taking the note off and opening the fridge searching for my lasagne to heat up. The house phone suddenly rings making me jump back. It is probably mom saying she is going to be working later than she thought and to not wait up. 

I pick up the phone with a friendly hello, but I am greeted with a voice recording. I am confused at first, but then my blood goes cold. It was my dad ringing from prison. I hadn't spoken to him in just over a year when he rang on my birthday, but that conversation was cut short. I haven't actually seen my dad since the day he went to prison. He has sent us all hundreds of visit invitations, but none of us has accepted any of them. 

Why was he ringing me now? Was something wrong? He probably just wants something. He knows how I feel about the situation and that I don't want anything to do with him. That includes Mom and Jessica as well. That is why we changed our name to Green from Bell when mom changed hers back. I didn't want to be associated with him. 

He has phoned here before asking for us to put money in his account at the jail. Mom works her ass off every day and since he lost his job he never bothered to even try to get another one, he just gave up and let mom struggle to support the family alone. Before I know it I have accepted his call. My mind races not knowing what to say to him. Why didn't I just hang up? I suppose I am curious to what he wants. I hate the feeling I get just having to speak to my farther. It makes me feel sick just hearing his breath down the phone line.  

"Hello" he says warily. 

"What?" I spit. I don't want to be on the phone any longer than I have to. I want him to just get straight to the point. 

"Cole" he says and I can hear the smile in his voice, which makes me want to smash the phone up. 

"What?" I spit again, getting inpatient.

"Aren't you happy to speak to your old man. It's so good to hear your voice Cole, even if it is with attitude, but I guess that's teenagers" he laughs, but I stay silent. "But what would I know I missed yours and your sisters' teenage years, I haven't heard from you all in so long"                    

"I won't ask again, what do you want?" I say through gritted teeth. I don't know what this happy farther bullshit is, but I don't like it.                                                                                                             

"Cole come on, I'm trying here. I miss you all. Hey, I'm, celebrating another year sober next Tuesday. The group I'm apart of here is great, I would love for you to meet my councillor" he sounds hopeful. I hate the way he thinks he can make up for everything he destroyed, but somethings can't be fixed. 

"I don't have time for this. Christ, I'm tired"                                                      

"Okay, well maybe we can talk soon. Goodnight Cole" he says and I hang up before saying anything back. It's still early, but I head straight to bed. I just want to fall asleep and forget all about the last ten minutes, I wish I could forget a lot more.                                                                                                                                                                     

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