Chapter 7 Cole

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As soon as I get back in the locker rooms, I make sure I am first to get in the showers and get dressed as quick as I can. I wasn't sure if Violet was going to wait around for me after the game, but I wasn't going to hang around back here to find out. I rushed around the locker room like a mad man grabbing my stuff and I burst through the doors into the gym. By the time I'm usually done after a game everyone has gone home, the gym and car park dead as if nobody was ever here. But not today, as I enter the gym there are still a few people leaving and some talking among themselves.

She is still here. I spot her walking down the steps with her friend who she brought, Katie I think her name is. I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face, as I walk over to her. "Hey, you're still here" I state obviously.

"Yeah, we were just leaving. That was an amazing game, well done on the win!" she said seeming genuinely happy for me.

"Well, I have to go" Violet's friend say bluntly, looking between us. I had seen her around school quite a few times. She was hard to miss with her purple hair. It was a bit out there for me, but she could pull it off. I respected her for being herself and not being afraid of what others think.

"Well are you doing anything now?" I ask trying to sound confident.

"No, I'm not. Kate has a date though"

"Well, do you want to go grab some food? Playing a game like that really works up an appetite" I laugh, secretly praying she will agree. I study her face for a moment, trying to gauge a reaction. I think she is trying to hide a smile, but that is probably just wishful thinking. It feels like for ever before she responds, but she finally does.

"Yeah, sure" she replied mirroring my smile. "You can go on your date, Kate I'm fine" Violet ensures Kate, not Katie. Kate looks between me and Violet again unsure.

"Are you sure?" she asks looking into Violet's eyes. Violet just nods at her. Kate leans into her and whispers something in her ear and then walks off out to the parking lot. Before I could say anything else to Violet the rest of the boys come out of the locker room. They were all really hyped up from the win and were all laughing and shouting. I smiled watching them, it always felt good to win a game, but it felt better seeing my team this happy together. They come rushing over and all jump on me. I quickly shove them of, laughing.

"Hey, you coming out to celebrate?" Fin asks me. We always go out to celebrate after a win. As a team we go somewhere to eat and discuss the game. We went most of the time even if we lost a game.

"No, I'm sorry I can't tonight, I'm going out with Violet" the boys all stared at me shocked.
"No, Cole go out with your team, it's fine" Violet says, clearly not wanting to piss of my team members.

"It's fine" I said shacking my head. The boys left without a fuss, but I knew I would get shit for this on Monday. 

We jump in my truck, which is one of the last cars in the car park. I switch the engine on and the music comes blasting out of the speakers at full volume. "Sorry" I stifle a laugh and quickly turn the volume down. "So, where do you want to go?" I ask. There aren't many places to go in our town, it's pretty small and even though it's not that late most places are shut now. "Anywhere, you are the winner, so you should get to choose" Violet says shrugging. I wasn't sure what I was getting into with Violet. I'm not sure what she gone through, but I was not going to push her to tell me. I'm not sure if she even wanted a relationship or anything more than a friendship, but whatever she wanted was fine with me.

"I know a place" I said with a smile. She seemed to relax a bit after that. After a minute or so of driving Violet starts looking through my cd's on my dash board. She pulls out a cd of some boy band and pulls a face of disgust. "What they are underrated!" I say laughing at her reaction. She shakes her head and dramatically holds the cd out with just her two fingers, as if she can't stand to even touch it and drops it back down on the dash.

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