Chapter 1

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Bright sunny burning day at the town of hell. You see I'm Connor Murphy. I'm a devil. When I was a child I always wanted to be an  Angel . Dreamt of it actually. Well, I never was. The dream wasn't reality.

The fortune goddesses are the ones who decide who's going where. Apparently they said I was "bad" in my past life.  I guess it's true. I cant really remember any of my past life. Except that I loved the thought of angels.

Today though, I didn't wanna live any longer in this town. It was hell, literally.
I decided I was gonna try to get out of here. The thing is I didn't know how to do that, so I thought of one thing. 
I went to the fortune goddesses, the ones that made me be here in the first place.

I had arrived from the long walk and opened the door to a big lobby and walked to the counter. One of them told me sweetly " Hi, how may I help you today?" It was so weird seeing someone be nice, but then I remembered that they're fortune goddesses and not devils. Then I replied to her saying " How can I go to heaven?" I said it so casually.

She stood there like she thought I was crazy. She replied with "I don't think that's even possible." She looked kind of confused, then she started to think. I didn't know what she was thinking of. It might help though. She stood there for a second.

"Well, you..can maybe go. Only and only if you're willing to change how you act." I stared at her confused and then I told her "You know. I'm not that bad!" I made myself sound kinda angry or aggressive which I regret. I don't know why that stuff always happens

"This is what I'm talking about." I thought about it and then screamed "I'm willing to change!" She smiled at me and said "Well we'll see about that" She got out some papers from a cabinet in a back room and said "You have to sign all these terms in order to go and have to fulfill them while you're there. If not you'll get send straight back to here."

I was so happy for the first time in my life! Not many people down here were willing to change. I quickly signed them and then she gave me directions to a place that'll take me up there. It's called the stairway to heaven.

I followed her directions and then saw a gate with a big stairway. I ran to it so fast my bag was was practically floating in the air while I ran. There was a guy in the entrance and said "Can I see your papers?" in a rough voice. I got them out of my bag and handed him the papers that the nice lady had given me. He looked at them for a while.

"Ok, have a nice trip." He opened the door with a key he got out of his pocket, it was so magical. I felt light coming out of the gate. I was so exited to see what it was like up there. I would have a new start!

I came to another gate and a woman was standing next to it. She asked the same question the other guy asked "Can I see your papers?" She sounded like she was bored of her job or something. I got out my papers from my bag and she saw them and handed them back to me and opened the door with a key. I smiled so hard. I was so anxious to see what my new life would be like.

I walked to a village and then noticed none of these people actually had that halo on top of their head just like we didn't have any actual devil horns . They all looked super nice. I walked to a nearby place called A La Mode. It was an ice cream shop. I saw a guy sitting enjoying his ice cream. He looked kinda shy but I still decided to talk to him.


He looked like he couldn't talk but then he managed to said "H-Hi?" He stuttered a bit but he said something at least. I reached my hand out "My name is Connor Murphy and yours?" He looked like he was super nervous for some reason. I was a bit nervous too but not as nervous as he looked. He managed to say "M-my name is Ev-van H-hansen."

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