Chapter 11

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I was at math class, I couldn't think of anything but Evan. This was a dream for me. I loved him so much. I wanted him. I wanted it to be only us.

It was time for lunch, I waited for Evan in the entrance. I saw him walk in and got his face and kissed him. Some people kept staring at us. I didn't care what they thought. I loved him and I didn't want to let him go.

We sat down at the table. Evan was flushed with red. He looked embarrassed.

"Are you embarrassed that I kissed you in front of people?"

He nodded. "I could do it again..." I smirked.

He shook his head. "No no no!" He started laughing. I did too after he had started.

Jared came to sit by Evan. "Hey bro."

"Oh. H-hey Jared. Umm were breaking up.."

Jared starting laughing his ass off.

"Holy Crap. Are you not lonely anymore? Did you find an actual person that likes you?"

Evan nodded at Jared." Oh well who's the lucky person?" It sounded sarcastic. He started laughing again. Evan looked at me. I was happy that he liked me back. "Oh. Well I'm happy for you Evan. Good luck with this guy."

"He's the one I've been saying was in my dreams. The one that I told you that said was going to look for me no matter what.

Evan looked down. "He found me. I love him." He looked at me with a bittersweet smile. I smiled back.

"I thought you were out of your mind!"

" Apparently it wasn't a dream. I was in heaven."

"How the hell is it possible to remember that crap?"

He shook his head. "I don't know!" He giggled. "I'm just glad he's here now."

He smiled at me again. 

Jared, Evan and I all went to get our lunch. We came back and saw a girl was sitting at the table we had been sitting in. I knew that girl. She was in some of my classes. Her name was Alana.

She looked at us. "Oh hey guys! Is it ok if I sit here?"

"Uh sure." Jared said kinda careless.

We all sat down and started eating.

"Y'all having a good first day?" Jared said.

We all nodded.

We had all become good friends. I couldn't believe that this life was actually good. We all went back to class after we finished.

I only had one thing to worry about. My sister. She always kinda didn't like me. She got pissed at me all the time. Maybe if we joined her in my friend group. Maybe then we could become good friends. That was my next mission.

Authors note:

Sorry for no kleinsen I friking adore it but sorry oof.

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