chapter 19

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I woke up to see Evan wasn't there.

I put on my jeans and walked out of his room. I saw him in the kitchen making pancakes.
It made me go back for a second. It made me Remember.

"Good morning Evan." I said to him while I sat down on a chair.

He finished cooking and put the pancakes on a plate and put them on the table in front of me.

He did the same for himself and sat down.

"Does this remind you of how things use to be?"

"Yeah, alot." I

said remembering.

We ate our pancakes and talked about so many things. Like the past and how we are now.

We decided we we're gonna go to the park today.

Evan always loves to go there so we did. We decided not to go to school today.

Well I decided. Evan didn't really like the plan but I convinced him.

It was kinda tricky though.
We walked to the park on the fresh morning.

We sat down in the fresh and kind of moist grass.
We took in the view. All we saw was sky. Going on for forever. The was almost no clouds in the sky.
It was a perfect day and I loved it because I was with Evan.

We walked around the park holding hands and being proud.

With Evan I could always be proud of myself.

He was my everything and with him anywhere I go I would be proud to be with him.

Authors note:
Thanks for all the support guys. This chapter was kind of short. But next one will be longer.

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