Chapter 4

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I finished eating my cereal and Evan lead me to the room. He turned on a little lamp on his night stand. It was enough light for us to see. The bed looked so comfy and the bedsheets looked soft.

I jumped into the bed and put the covers on me. Evan sat down on the bed looking anxious and put the covers over his feet. He turned off the light. I heard the bed sheets going over him and him going down into the soft bed. It took me a second to adapt to the dark. I was facing Evan. He turned the other way quickly. Minutes passed. I could hear the clock ticking each second. The silence filled the room. I called for Evan quietly. He didn't answer. He was asleep. I kept on tossing from side to side. I couldn't sleep.

Evan turned to one side. We were facing each other again. This time Evan didn't turn away because he was sleeping. He looked beautiful. Like the angel he was. I'm so glad I decided to come here. I kept staring at his lips. Over and over I looked at them. Until I didn't think and kissed him. "Fuck. What am I doing?" I said really quietly. I didn't know what to do. I knew what these feelings were now. I got too attached to him...

I loved him.

I started to worry. What if I tell him and he hates me?! What do I do? So many questions in my head! I went to sleep from all the thoughts.

I woke up to some movement on me. It was Evan. He had gotten on my chest. I hugged him. He looked so cute. He started to wake up without me even knowing. "C-Connor?.. What are you doing.." He held on to me. He didn't seem to not like it. "This is a nice dream. Someone actually cares about me." I looked at him and stroked his hair. He closed his eyes again and smiled."I hope this dream never ends." He looked so happy.

I kissed him softly. He smiled.

"Evan. This isn't a dream..."

He looked like he had snapped out of it.

He got up quickly.

"C-Connor? Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to! I swear! I just got carried away! That's all! Nobody had ever embraced me like that and..I'm so sorry!"

"Hm? You looked like you were enjoying it earlier. What happened?"

"I d-don't feel like that towards you. I swear! I'm sorry I just got carried away by someone caring! That's all!"

He got up and went out of the room. I didn't feel much for him saying that. I'll try to get him back again.

"D-do you want anything for breakfast?"

I nodded. "Pancakes?" he said.

I nodded again.

He went to the kitchen. He was mixing some ingredients. This was the perfect time to embrace him again. I hugged him from behind. "Stop." he said in a whining voice and ducked down and got out of my arms.

He finished and set out a plate for both of us.

He sat down. I was already sitting down and started digging in. It was so good. He was a good cook. So I cherished him about it. "You're a really good cook Evan."

"Really? It's ok. I'm not like super good at it." He put two cups of milk on the table.

We had finished eating. "Wanna talk Evan? I don't feel like going anywhere today. I'm tired."

"Umm sure. I guess"

We went to sit down on the couch. Facing each other. "Connor..why did you choose to talk to me? Why do you care about me? I don't understand." He looked down.

"Evan..I just saw you and I had to talk to you! You looked like a shy person so maybe. Just maybe.. I thought that we could be friends and you wouldn't care about my flaws."

I hugged Evan so hard that I felt like I could never let him go. He was in my chest because he was a little smaller compared to me. Even in just a day I feel so attached to this guy. I wonder how much more I'll be tomorrow.

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