Chapter 2

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I sat down next to him and the said "Well it's nice to meet you." He didn't shake my hand though. He left me hanging. That made me giggle.

"You really don't wanna be friends with me."

I was so confused by what he was saying. I asked him very confused "Why shouldn't I? You look like a really nice person."

I didn't know why he was acting like that. "I h-have anxiety..I can be very awkward and it's really not that fun to deal with me." I knew why he was acting this way now. I didn't care about him having anxiety. If I made it to heaven then of course I'm gonna make friends with this guy. I told him "I don't care if you have anxiety, I really just want to be your friend. I want to know more about you..Evan."

His eyes lit up and he looked at me like he had hope for something. He looked really cute for some reason, but what I had to focus on was were I was going to stay. So I asked him "How do you get a place to stay in around here?"

He looked really happy now and said "Well you can go to the administration building and they'll help you. There's other alternatives, like asking someone else to register you on their list of people in their homes. Like a roommate"

"Well what do you say I stay in your place?" I didn't mean to smirk but I did. He looked super anxious.

"I umm. I don't know.. I live alone because I usually don't like being around other people. Everyone probably thinks I'm weird."

I grabbed his hand and lift it up. I don't know why he made me feel different. It was maybe because of how he acted so cutely and innocent or the fact that he's the first person I met here.

"Well then I'll be your first roommate. Maybe we can meet more people."

I kinda got this guy. He was almost like me. I could relate to nobody wanting to hang out with me because of my anger issues in hell. They also thought I was weird because of how I acted toward people. This is heaven! How could anyone hate him? It's impossible! Isn't it?

He looked more nervous than ever. "More p-people?" I don't think he's comfortable with a lot of people. I think he's the type of person who likes having like only a bit of close friends.

"Well umm." I was thinking of something to say.

"It could be just you and me. If you wanted to that is! Of course you don't have to let me be your roommate! I'm really weird myself!"

He looked surprised and then giggled at me.

"Fine. It'll be fun with you living with me. Maybe you'll light up my place with your way of being."

I smiled at him. I couldn't help but hug him. I was getting too attached to this guy. That made me worry for some reason.

"Let's go put you as my roommate."

"Ok! Let's go!" I wasn't acting like myself. I was actually exited for once. I was so happy to be starting out new! In a place were everything is so nice! I could've never imagined this would happen.

At least there's no parents up here bossing us around like in earth.

Evan finished his ice cream and we left.

We walked until we were in our destination. We walked through some big doors into a lobby. Evan looked too shy to talk. I started talking instead of him.

"Hello! Can I register myself as his roommate?"

"Yes, of course. Let me get his papers. What's your name?" she said sweetly to Evan.

"E-Evan. Evan Hansen."

"Ok. Evan Hansen"

She went off for a second to look for some papers in a backroom. She came out with the papers and a pen.

"Here they are sir. Just sign your name and you're registered. Now you're roommates and if something happens to the place we can insure you to fix the problem."

I grab the pen and write my name. I smiled "Thank you so much." I looked at Evan. He looked so happy. I guess I'm his first friend. I'm glad I met him.

It's so weird how you can do things so easily in heaven. In hell you spend so much time to do things. They made you want to suffer.

We were walking to his house now. I grabbed his hand. He tugged away from my hand right after I grabbed it.

"W-what's wrong Evan?"

"Sorry. It's just that my hands are sweaty."

I laughed so hard. Mine always got sweaty a lot too.


I grabbed his face. I'm getting to attached. What's that feeling I was having? I didn't let go of his face. It was so smooth and soft.

He very quickly turned away. I was no longer touching his face. He looked down.

"W-why are you treating me like this? I don't understand."

He looked up at me. He had soreness in his eyes.

"I don't get it Connor! I want to understand! Why do you want to be friends with me? I don't understand what these feeling inside me are. Why Connor...why?"

I was shocked.

"Evan you're an amazing person. I want to be friends with you. I want to know more about you. I'm attached to you. Heh that sounded so dumb."

"N-no no! It's not! Just forget everything I said ok. It was dumb."

"Then why were you crying about it?"

"Just forget about it! Ok?.."

"Fine then. Let's keep walking." I said wanting to know what he meant. The whole walk home was so awkward.

Evan was a very emotional person. I understood that now. Anyone could make him cry.

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