Chapter 10

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He looked shocked. It was safe to say he's the one that was in my dreams.

"We were in a dream together right?"

He looked so confused.

"Dream? What dream? That was heaven."

What? That was heaven? All these years I thought I had dreamed that.

He laughed so hard. I giggled a bit.

"Evan..I love you."

I blushed lightly while he kissed me. This was my first kiss in this world. While In heaven he was also my first.

I didn't let go of that kiss. We kept going. Until he stopped.

I was so happy to have found him. I wanted to be with him more than ever.


I found my Evan. I started kissing him again softly. 

"C-Connor..we can't right now. We're going to be late for class."

"Who cares about class." I started kissing again. I let the kiss go and he said while giggling "I do. We can do this at my house. My mom isn't around."

"Fine." I sighed. " What class do you have?"

"I have Literature class first."

" Do you have any classes with me?"

"Umm I don't know. It's our first day as seniors."

"Let me see your schedule"

He got it out of his backpack and I saw his cast. Which I completely forgot about.

"What happened to your arm?"

"I fell off a tree..I as worked at a park so I'm kinda a tree expert now. Not to brag. But the truth is I did it on purpose. I can't tell that to anyone except for you."

"Nobody signed it ...I'll sign it!"

"Oh no! You don't have to!"

"Do you have a Sharpie?"

He pulls out a sharpie from his pocket.

"My mom made me take a sharpie so I can ask people to sign. Nobody did though."

I think I yanked his hand to hard because he made a sound like he was hurt.

"Sorry" I said while I treated him more gently. I wrote "CONNOR" really big so people can know I know him.

"Oh. Thanks.." It sounded sarcastic. He pulled out his schedule and noticed that we have science, Gym and spanish class together.

"Oh cool! We do have some classes together!" I acted as if I had already known him.

"Let's go to class."

I nodded. I was so happy at the moment. I giggled out of nowhere. "Crap. I can't believe all this." I smiled and looked at him. It's like we've known each other our whole life.

"Hey. Meet me at lunch."

He looked up at me and nodded. I kissed him one last time and left him off in his class. I waved goodbye and left to go to my class.

Authors note:
Oof sorry I didn't upload in so long
Hope you guys were ok with it.

Finally my cinnamon rolls are all sorted out oof.

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