Chapter 8

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Morning came. Evan was still sleeping. I kissed his forehead. I felt so happy to be with him. I stayed there with him. Minutes later he woke up. "Good morning."

He blushed lightly. His face was a few centimetres away from mine. He got closer to me. He reached for my lips. I knew he wanted me to kiss him. So I did.

I got up and so did Evan.

"Evan get ready to go."

"N-no. I don't want to."

He was scared. I was too but it was for the better. We could be free in earth. I wonder what type of time we'll get put in.

Maybe well end up in the same country.

In the same town. I hope that happens.

"Evan. I'll find you. I'll remember you. I know so."

"I trust you.."

We walked to this weird place with big doors. I saw light. There was a big portal thing. We walked closer to it. Here in heaven you can go back to earth whenever the hell you want. In Hell they just torture you by nit letting  go until like a year or even more. There was this saying that people in hell always use to say. They said that if you ever walk in the portal with another person then you'll know each other back in earth. I hope that was the case.

"Here we are huh?"

He nodded.

"Evan. I hope we meet again."

Evan started sobbing.

"I w-want to go back. Let's go back. Please."

"We'll have to come here eventually. We can't be in heaven forever."

I hugged him so he could calm down. I stroked his hair softly one last time. I hope he felt safe.

"Evan I love you. Remember that ok."

He nodded, I kissed him for a long second.

We let go of it and walked in the portal holding hands. We didn't want to let go.

Authors note:
Guys sorry if this story is kinda bad. It's the first one I've ever done.
Hope you guys still like it

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