Chapter 14

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I woke up and saw some light coming in through my window.

I got up and got ready for the second day of school. Today we're starting gym class. Yesterday they told us we has to bring our gym clothes so I did. I got some shorts that I didn't even like but just wore them for gym and a black shirt. I tucked them all in my backpack and got myself ready.

I walked to school with Zoe like usual. "Hey thanks for introducing you to your friends. They seem nice." she said smiling. "Oh cool! That's nice!" I think my plan was working. I was exited.

"H-huh? What?"

"If you want to get comfortable you have to start somewhere. Start with me. Then you'll be able to change out there." I said not even knowing how Evan was feeling at the moment. I wanted him to be confident with himself.

" Are you sure this is going to work?"

I nodded at him.

He looked nervous.

"C-can you close the stall door? Please."

I was getting nervous now too. This wasn't something I was supposed to feel like this.  I closed the door shut.

Evan started to take off his shirt not even looking at me.

I could feel my face turn red.

" don't have to if you don't want to.."

"It's ok. I think I'm getting over this now. Kinda."

His shirt was fully off. I had weird thoughts in my head.

I handed him the other one. The thing that made me feel weird is that it was only us two. In one stall. He started putting on the gym shirt. He took off his shoes and he started pulling off his pants without me saying a word. I was ready to get out already.  I kinda wanted to laugh because of the awkwardness of me just watching him pull off his pants and just me looking at his boxers. I wasn't nervous anymore. I just thought of this as a normal thing now.

He put on his shoes and gym shorts and then we got out of the stall. Some of the guys just stared at us. But Evan looked like he didn't mind.  We just walked to the gym and waited in the benches until the coach told us what to do.

Jared was already there. He was sitting right next to me.

"Hey Connor, what were you and Evan doing in the stalls together, huh?" Jared said smirking at me.

"He was getting over his fear of changing in front of someone." I said casually

Jared just started laughing at me.

"Oh my god I remember last year he use to go every single day into the stalls to change."

"Every single day?"

He nodded at me.

I looked at Evan. "Sorry that I use to do that." he looked down like he was disappointed in himself.

"It's ok Evan. Your getting better at this now. It's not really a big deal anyway."

He looked up at me and nodded. He looked happier now.

The coach came in and we did some warm ups.

I wish I was in this school way before this year. I would've known Evan since a long time ago. But I'm grateful for this.

We were gonna start the basketball unit.

The coach asked people to go get some balls. I gladly volunteered. Evan saw me volunteer so he did too. Some other kid who I don't even talk to also came with us. I didn't care enough to know his name.

We all went over to the closet and got the basketball rack. The guy said to us something I'll never forgive.

"You guys are really disgusting.  Both of you even have the nerve to even make out in the stalls."

He totally misunderstood what we were doing in there.

"We weren't even making out! We would do that somewhere else!"

"Then what's your explanation of both of you in the same stall?"

I was so angry now. "Shut up. It's none of your business. We weren't making out! I was helping him ok!"

"Helping him what? Pull his pants off?"

He started laughing. Evan was looking down the whole time. He looked embarrassed.

"Shut up. That's not what we were doing. Mind your own business"

"Some of the other guys saw too. So if they say anything about it it's not my fault."

I pushed the rack ignoring him. "Evan let's go."

He nodded at me.

We made it into the gym. The coach asked us why we took so long. I didn't say anything.

We all had to get into groups of three, so of course I chose Evan.

Evan suggested that Jared should be in our group too. So we chose him.

We got a ball from the rack started chest passing the ball to each other. The whole time we were just practicing the basics.

Gym ended and we had to go back to the locker rooms to change. Evan didn't go to the locker room anymore. He changed right next to me and everyone else. I felt normal this time. I hugged him after that. Then we both just started laughing. Jared was looking at us like we were dumb idiots. He was just nodding his head and laughing.

School passed like a flash. It was a good day. I told evan that he should come over to my house.
So that my dad could meet him better.

"Hey that I think about it. My mom doesn't know anything about you."

He was right. She doesn't know who I am or that I'm his boyfriend.

"Oh. Well maybe you can tell her to come early from her work or classes so that she can meet me!" I said.

I really wanted to meet Evans mom. I really wanted to know what she thinks about me.

"Yeah sure I'll try." he said.

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