Chapter 12

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It was the end of school. We all hanged out around the school. I saw my sister Zoe. "Hey Zoe! Over here!"

Everyone looked at me confused. They didn't know who she was.

She sighed. "Well.."

"Guys this is my sister Zoe!"

Everyone greeted her. I was happy she was hanging out with us.

"Hey.."she said not seeming exited.

After a while of talking Zoe seemed pretty happy.

We all were walking home now.

Evan decided that instead of me going over to his house we'd go to mine.

We had made it to my house. I opened the door with a spare key my mom gave to me.

We entered and right away I saw my mom. She had the food ready for me and Zoe.

"Umm..Hey mom." I said as Evan looked down as we were holding hands. He looked ashamed for some reason.

"Oh who's this?" My mom said sweetly.

"That's Connors boyfriend" Zoe said it carelessly behind us.

"W-what? Uh N-No I'm not." Evan said denying it.

I looked at him confused. Why was he denying it? I didn't get it.

"Yes we are.." I said still confused.

"What's happening here?"Said my mom with also a confused look.

"Mom. You know how I said I liked guys. Well he's my boyfriend."

Evan was looking down.

"He's really shy towards people." saying the truth.

My mom laughed a bit.

I looked down at Evan with a smile. He looked up and smiled back.

"Nice to meet you Evan." She reached her hand out to greet him.

Evan shook her hand. He looked worried.

"Nice to meet you to ma'am."

"Were going to be in my room. Playing video games." I said lying.

"Oh ok. Have fun!" My mom said happily.

We walked into my room. I closed the door quickly.

"So..what do we do?" Evan said sounding bored.

"Hmm. Wanna make out?" I said jokingly.

Evan blushed so hard. "I umm...I'm sorry."

"It was a joke..unless you do want to." I smirked really wide.

I got closer to him and bit his neck.

He moaned a bit. "W-wait C-Connor..I didn't agree." Evan said in a whining voice

I stopped and looked down at him.

I giggled a bit.

"Stop teasing me." Evan said in a whining voice.

"You're so cute when you whine."

I pinched his cheeks. He is just too cute.

"Stop" He said whining again.

I stopped and started laughing.

We both were laughing hysterically. Evan sat on the bed "So what did you even invite me over for?" Evan said getting comfortable. "Aren't you the one that said that wanted to save that for later?" I said being certain that was the case.

"Well, I just said that so you could get off of me." He chuckled.

I laughed a bit. "Well anyways, are you going to stay over?"

"I can't. I'm sorry. My mom will be back later on at night. She'll probably get worried."

"It's fine. I'm just really glad I found you, Evan"

"I'm glad too." He said while doing a quirky but cute smile. "I love you Evan.." Im hugged him.

"I'm glad that you do, because I love you too."

Around Evan I was a new person. He changed me a lot. He was my everything at this point. When I as a child I wanted to find him. Be his friend and then become more and fall in love with him all over again. Looks like it was easier than I thought. He  actually remembered who I was.

I'm so grateful for that.

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