Chapter 17

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We started using his laptop while the minutes passed by, us just waiting for his mom to come home sooner or later.

We heard a person entering through the door. It was probably Evans mother. Evan kinda flinched a little after hearing the door open. He quickly closed his laptop and tossed it aside.

"Con. She's here.."

I could see all the worry in his face. He was fidgeting with his fingers. He was a nervous wreck.

I stroked his hair and told him "It's gonna be alright.."

Evan nodded like he trusted me.

We found Evans mom in the living room putting her purse in the sofa. I didn't care how late it was. This was the only type of time we could tell her.

"Evan you're still awake? Did you buy food with the money I gave you?"

She finally turned our way noticing me.

"Oh. I didn't know we had any guests tonight, Evan."

"Hey. My names Connor Murphy, nice you meet you miss Hansen." I said not trying to sound suspicious of being his significant other.

We shook hands.

"Mom..we need to talk. Please?"

"Mom..I've been meaning to tell you something, but I'm scared of what you might say. I think I should tell you now before I give up."

"Of course Evan you can tell me anything."

She sounded supportive. That's a good sign.

" Mom..this is my boyfriend Connor. I'm bisexual."

I kinda smiled a bit. But then I saw her face, she looked worried or kind of shocked.

"Bisexual, Evan why didn't you ever tell me? How? I don't understand. Since when have you known him? I've never seen him around."

"Well that's because you're never here, of course."

"Has he been here other days? Why are you bisexual now? What about Jared? Have you been going out with him too?"

"Mom, I've been bisexual since I was a kid. For specific reasons... And Jared is out of the subject."

What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this? Is this ok? Evan maybe your confused.."

"Mom it's ok. There's nothing wrong with it. You did nothing wrong this is just who I am. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Connor." he looked up at me with a smile that made my heart flutter.

"What will other people think? Does anyone else know?"

"Actually almost everyone knows mom. They'll just have to learn to accept us."

"Oh god Evan, I haven't known this for so long."

I could see tears in her eyes. She was probably so confused when we told her.

She hugged Evan and I could barely hear her say "I'll be  supportive of you, no matter what I'll be here."

She then went over to hug me something I didn't expect to happen.

Take care of my Evan. Promise?" she said making the sentence go to a whisper

"Of course I promise. I love him so much. I don't know what to do with myself."

I wouldn't be happy without him.

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