Chapter 15

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We headed to my house and I opened the house with the spare key. Evan and I walked in. I saw my dad already back from work. My family is just money on money. Rich. At least I'm actually great full for that. Unlike some other people that have money. My dad doesn't even have to work that much anymore. He's usually at the house when I come to school. I never spend much time with him though.

I saw Zoe behind us. She had just come from school too.

"Evans here again?" she said normally.

"Yeah. He's got nobody at home with him. So why not invite him over?"

"Connor, he can't be coming home with you every single day."

"Well he's not. Only for today."

I walked over to my father awkwardly.

"Dad, this is Evan. I didn't introduce him right yesterday." I said very awkwardly.

He stood up looking happy to see him

He went to shake his hand and Evan looked like he has sweaty hands. He still shook his hand though.

"It's nice to meet you Evan. I'm happy my son has a nice friend."

"Friend? Uh well yeah were really good friends you could say."

"Dad, were gonna go now. We have school work."

"Oh ok son, we can talk later."

I turned around and took Evan by the hand upstairs awkwardly.

"Evan sit."

Evan sat down in my bed very quickly and I shut the door.

"I haven't told my dad..about us." I said feeling kind of guilty

"What? I thought he already knew."

"He doesn't know I like guys either." I said sounding even more guilty.

"Connor you haven't come out to your dad?"

I nodded embarrassed.

"The truth mom doesn't know either anyway!"

I was relieved that I wasn't alone in this.

"My mom doesn't know I'm bisexual" he said while giggling.

"When should I tell him?" I said worriedly.

"You should tell him today. I'll have your back."Evan smiled.

"Fine. Then maybe tomorrow if your mom and I meet we could tell her. Sounds good?"

Evan nodded. I picked up Evan like a bride and kissed him. "Your too much for me. You know that?" 

"I actually think I'm not enough." Evan said worriedly.

I put him down and told him the truth.

"Evan your enough for me. Way too much. I love you. Don't let anything or anyone let you think otherwise."

Evan smiled and nodded. I opened my bedroom door and we walked down stairs. I was really nervous. I could see my dad was still in the kitchen. He was talking to my sister Zoe. Sounded like it was about how school was going.

We walked down and my father turned towards me.

"Dad, I wanna tell you something.."

"Connor's gay." Zoe blurted out of nowhere. She smirked at me.

"Zoe! Stop saying nonsense. Son what is it?"

"Dad. I like guys." I looked down embarrassed.

"Is that why you have long hair and paint your nails black?"

"Uh, well maybe that's part of it, but no not really." I said still looking down.

I could feel Evan just looking at me.

"Sir, I'm connors boyfriend."

"Connor? You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes dad this is Evan my boyfriend." I said looking down. I felt tears fill my eyes. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I started crying.

"I'm really sorry f-for turning out this way dad."

"Son, it's fine. Your still my son." My dad said supporting me.

"Connor, there's nothing wrong with you liking other guys." Evan said, probably trying to cheer me up.

"Do you hate me?" I said asking to clear everything up.

"Of course not. I know I'm a bit confused but I'll have to get over it sooner or later. Why fight over it?"

I felt the kind of weight in my stomach go away. I hugged my dad. Just like I use to when I was a kid. A kid who was happy to have a loving dad.

"You'll still be my connor no matter what. Even if I still don't get this." My dad said whispering in my ear.

Zoe looked at us smiling. Evan looked kind of embarrassed. But he was smiling too. All we needed to do now is tell Evans mom.

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