chapter 18

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We went back to Evans room. I kissed him softly while grabbing his waist. It probably looked like a nice scene.

"See it wasn't that hard, Ev." I said while being like 1 inch away from his face.

He put his face on my chest which kinda made me blush. I looked down at Evans hair because I couldn't see his face.

"It was hard. It was really hard. I'm so glad we got it over with. I was filled with anxiousness" He said while he still had his face stuck in my chest.

"Ev, you did it though."

He looked up and I gave him a kiss on the forehead. He put his face right under my chin while holding me like if it was a hug.

"Connor. Thank you. I really love you spending time with me and just being here to support me all the time."

"I'm staying over" I said without hesitation.

"What? Well ask your parents first or something." Evan said kind of sounding worried.

"I'll text Zoe to tell my parents."

I pulled out my phone and went to messaged seeing Zoe on there. I clicked and then typed the message and hit send

Connor: Hey Zoe, I'ma stay at Evans tonight. Tell mom and dad.

Zoe: I was about to go to sleep but fine. They said that you can but only for today. You can't be with him 24/7, Connor.

Connor: Bet I can. Eheh..

I put down my phone and heard another buzz. It was probably Zoe replying but I ignored it.

"They said it was fine."

"Oh ok. Well then what do we do now?"

"We'll sleep? It's kinda late"

I put my phone on Evans night stand and I got in the bed.

"You're gonna sleep like that? I mean with your jeans..isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Yeah? It's fine. I don't really mind."

"I can go find something more comfortable if you want.." Evan said probably worried about me.

"I'll just take my jeans off if you want, none of your clothes probably fit me. Your smaller than me and it's kinda cute." I smirked a bit.

"Oh. Eh. You don't have to I'm sorry."

He was midway in his sentence but I still took them off.

I sat on the bed and then lay on the bed with my arm covering my face.

I giggled for a second.

" Evan.. I'm so glad I met you. I'm so glad we're together. "

I looked up at him. He was slightly flushed with red.

"Connor why is that I'm scared what will happen next? Like I'm not ready to take our relationship to the next level yet. I know it won't probably happen today but it might in the near future. I'm scared that I won't fulfill what you want."

"Ev, we'll go to the next level whenever you feel like you're ready. It's not just my decision alone." I said trying to comfort him.

Evan slowly lay next to me and turned to see my face. I held his hand and felt warmth. 

I wondered what the future had in store for us.

Authors note:
Hi guys! There's still some chapter's left till this story ends and hopefully you guys are enjoying it up till now!

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