Chapter 16

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Evan and I walked up the stairs into my room. I felt my eyes still kinda watery. They probably looked red. I closed the door and Evan sat on my bed. He pulled out some pictures from his bag. It was pictures of trees. He really loved trees. The pictures looked really well taken.

"Those pictures look really god, Ev."I said delightfully.

"Thanks Connor! I kinda wanna go to the park. To take more pictures!" he said sounding really exited.

I could hear how much he wanted to go.

"Wanna head over there? It's not that late."

He brightened up " Really? Let's go!"

He put the pictures back into his bag and quickly stood up.

We walked out the door and I held Evans hand. It looked like he didn't care that I was doing that. He looked really happy and his hands weren't even sweating this time!

We got to the park and Evan took out his camera. It was one of those polaroids. He started taking a bunch of cool pictures. Then we took 2 selfies. It was pretty fun. Evan gave me one of the tree pictures and one of the selfies. I'll probably put it up on my corkboard. I never used that thing. I can finally have use for it. Pictures that Evan takes with his camera.

We lay in the grass just talking about what we're gonna do when we get out of school.

I asked him "Evan is it possible for us to have a life together? Just the two of us. Like when we get out of school?"

He looked at me with sparkling eyes as he stood up and said "Of course connor. I'd love a life like that." His smile is all I needed to make me happy. I hugged him so hard. People were staring but I didn't give a care in the world.

I kissed him softly and said "Wanna go back to your house? If you want we'll wait for your mom to come so we can tell her the truth about you." I said smiling at him while still holding him in my arms.

"Are you sure? We can tell her any other day." he said looking kind of anxious and worried.

"The sooner the better, right?" I said trying to sound optimistic. He nodded back at me and we walked all the way to his house. He opened the doo for us and we decided to go to his room. Evan looked kind of anxious.

"Are you ok Ev? You seem kinda anxious. Maybe we can do this another day when your ready." I said trying to make him feel better.

"Id rather do it now than never do it at all."

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