Chapter 19: The Explanation

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Miyah's POV:

"Baby please.." I screamed out. He just looked at me like I was a sad hopeless puppy.

I snapped out of my thoughts and checked the time on my phone.

1:38 am

Since Jeremiah left my apartment, I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired at all, everything felt numb. I had truly upset him, and I know he isn't gonna come around any time soon. I rolled over and grabbed my phone checking the notifications. I didn't have any so I was just faced with my lock screen.

 I didn't have any so I was just faced with my lock screen

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Furrowing my brows, I just locked my phone again. Chanel had came back a few hours ago and she attempted to speak to me but I played sleep. I didn't wanna talk to anyone except for Jeremiah.

Deciding I couldn't take feeling this way, I yanked the covers off of myself and slipped on some leggings. I grabbed a jacket out of my closet and hissed in pain as my hand grazed the fabric. My knuckles were extremely blue and a dark purple color, and the specific one I busted open was still very sore.

I walked in my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair looked a mess and I still had mascara marks on my cheeks from crying. I grabbed some gauge, peroxide and cotton balls out of the cabinet and set the objects on the counter. I cleaned the small cut and wrapped my hand. As I went to put everything back toothpaste, migraine pills and mouthwash fell out of the cabinet. Growing annoyed, I walked out the bathroom and walked into the living room and grabbed my keys off of the rack.

I shut the door softly, trying not to wake Chanel and walked to my car. I threw my purse in the backseat and just drove off. "Losing" by H.E.R played through the speakers of my car as I rolled through intersection after intersection. I just drove for what seemed like hours until I found myself in front of Jeremiah's apartment building. I picked up my phone and checked my phone again.

1:59 am

Sighing, I found myself dialing his number for the umpteenth time.

You have reached the voice mailbox of-

I set my phone down and rubbed at my temples. I had royally fucked up and it was eating me up. Everything in me wanted to go up to his apartment, but it felt like I was being weighed down in my seat. Building up my courage, I got out the car and walked up the stairs to his apartment. As I walked through the lobby, a few people glanced at me and gave me uneasy stares. I finally reached the door and I knocked three times. I played with my jacket sleeves growing nervous. Elijah opened the door while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Hey Mi, what's up?" he said groggily. Her rubbed his eyes and looked at me again. "Woah, are you good?" he said guiding me in the apartment.

"Is Jeremiah here?" I croaked.

"Yeah he's sleeping. Sit down." he said handing me a blanket. I followed his order and sat down on the couch. I wrapped the blanket around myself as he took a seat next to me.

"What's going on?" he said looking at me concerned.

"I really fucked up Elijah." I replied.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Something really stupid. I really fucked up." I said placing my head in my hands. He rubbed my back soothingly while I tried to calm myself.

"I can go get him for you, if you want." he said. I nodded and rubbed my hands together nervously. I could hear them shouting at each other and a few bumps against the wall. I walked up to the door and Jeremiah came stumbling out. Elijah walked out his room giving him another shove before walking into his room.

"You got five minutes." he said walking back into the living room and taking a seat on the couch. I took a seat next to him and folded my legs.

"I just wanna apologize for not telling you the truth. I truly wanted to protect you because I don't want to drag you into this. I swear on everything I love I didn't cheat on you, I wouldn't do that. But aside from that, Dre is my ex from Michigan. We were together for a few years in high school and a year into college. We would hustle together, do everything. Then he started changing. He became more restless and aggravated. He began to cheat on me, and he would hit me. Beat my ass." I paused becoming choked up. I wiped the stray tears from my cheeks and continued.

"Then one time, I came to his apartment, that we shared at the time, and found him cheating with a very close friend of mine and I went ballistic. I just started beating the hell out of her, then him. He had told me if he ever found me, he would hurt me and everything I love. I know he meant it because he's a man of his word. He came back and he found me. One night, I went out to the club with Chanel and he attacked me in the bathroom. I didn't tell her it was him. Then after that he's been pestering with me, meeting up and stuff. I can't go to the police because he's too unpredictable and he has people everywhere. He knows where my mother and sister lay their heads at night. I don't know what he'll do. Chanel doesn't even know abut this. So that's the only reason why I was with him, I was trying to keep the heat off of you, Chanel and Elijah. Y'all mean the world to me and I don't know what's to come from telling you this but I just wanted to protect you. I'm really sorry and I didn't mean for things to go like this." I said letting the tears flow down my face for the thousandth time tonight. Suddenly, I felt his warm embrace. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back soothing me.

"Miyah, I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would be this deep. I was being an asshole and I didn't think of why you would do something like this. I would've done the same thing if I were in your shoes. I understand why you lied about it. I should've let you explain yourself. I'm so sorry. I'll never let that nigga touch you again, I'll protect you with everything in me. I promise you that." he said laying back and allowing me to lay on his chest.

"Stay here for the night." he said.

I nodded my head and tightened my grip on him.

"I just wanted to protect you. I don't want anything to happen to you." I said hoarsely.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, nothing will happen to any of us." he said sitting up and taking me with him. When we got in his room, he closed the door behind him as I took off my clothes. He peeled back his comforter on his bed and climbed in, holding his arms out towards me.

I walked over to the bed, with exhaustion intensifying in each step. As soon as the cool sheets hit my body, I was out. I could feel Jeremiah snaking his arms around me, and I allowed him to. I had come far too close to losing him and I refused to let it happen again.

a/n: hey y'all, i know its been a hot ass minute since i last updated and i apologize. ive been super busy w work and finishing up school. but its summer now, so ill be able to update more frequently. sorry for the inconvenience, i hope that y'all enjoyed this chapter! dont give up on me❤️ more to come!



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