Chapter 16: Long Day in the Hospital

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Miyah's POV:

"I promise it won't hurt too much, it's just gonna be a quick little pinch!" I reassure Grayson, my seven year old patient. He had severe asthma and he was having a bad flare up.

"You promise Miss Miyah?" he asks, his eyes slightly watering.

"Yes, I do. If you're really good, I'll get you a sucker."

His small brown eyes lit up at the mention of candy. I slipped my latex gloves on and prepared the needle for his shot. I lifted up his hospital gown sleeve and wiped his arm. He started sniffling a little bit, so I wanted to calm him down.

"How about while I give you this shot, you sing your favorite song?" I asked him. He nodded his head and started to sing.

"Send me your location, let's focus on communicating cause I just need the time and place to come through." he started off softly. I gave him the shot and surely enough, he didn't even notice I gave him the shot.

"See you're all done! Good job!" I said placing a small piece of cloth over where I gave him the shot. I grabbed the basket of band-aids and let him pick one out. He picked a Thomas The Tank Engine one and I placed it on his arm.

"Thank you, Miss Miyah! You're my favorite nurse ever!" he says with a toothy smile. His mother gave me a warm smile and stroked his hand.

"You're very welcome." I smiled back at him and tucked him in his bed and left the room. My pager beeped signaling I had yet another task to complete.

Room 104, IV change

I sigh to myself, realizing Room 104 was on the  other side of the facility. Not to mention the patient Anna was super rude and had no filter. I finally arrived to her room and prepared myself for her behavior. That girl was 16 but with a mouth like that, you would've sworn she was grown. She was in for having severe seizures from her epilepsy.

"Blech, you again? Why do they always have you come and change my IV?" she said while pouting.

"I'm just doing my job." I say taking her original IV bag down.

"I don't know why they would let an animal like you even work here. This isn't a zoo!" she spits at me with nothing but pure hatred in her voice.

"It's because animals like me, know what they're doing." I say hanging the new bag up and leaving the room. I let my supervisor know that I was going on break before walking off.

I speed walk to the elevators, my body was screaming for coffee. It was only noon and I could feel myself slowing down. I finally reach the Tim Hortons, and smile to myself. I order a large iced coffee and a donut and sat at my special table. I sipped on my coffee and scrolled through my notifications on my phone.  

Jeremiah🔐💕: Hey baby, i dont know when you gone see this but i hope you have a good day today! hopefully you can come over after you're done. you know where the spare key is.

Me: thank you💕, it's been a super stressful day but ill be there around 10, 10:15 ish.

Jeremiah🔐💕: okay.

Unknown: don't forget. ill be outside waiting on you at 9 sharp.

Me: okay.

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