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WARNINGS : mentions of sex , cuteness , fluff

SUMMARY : (Y/N) finds out Dave and Aubrey broke up, but she was the reason without even knowing.

WORDS : 969

SONG : Get It Straight - Spendtime Palace

DAVE SWAYED on the swings with his long legs extended before him in the sand

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DAVE SWAYED on the swings with his long legs extended before him in the sand. The long haired girl beside him sipped at the milkshake, which was Dave's at first. The two watched Stella in silence, once in a while playfully kicking the others foot as they swung back and forth on the swings.

"So Simon and Big Corp told that Aubrey broke up with you a month ago." (Y/N) finally spoke what was on her mind, and Dave whipped his head towards his best friend. "Why haven't you told me?"

"Hasn't come up I guess." Dave shrugged trying to play it off, but he didn't want to tell her the truth. She knew he was holding something back and was tempted to get it out of him.

He snagged the plastic cup from her hand quickly, and she let out a small whine in protest. He winked at the girl making her bashfully look away. Taking a large sip from the milkshake, he sighed loudly showing his obvious distress.

(Y/N) watched him for a few seconds, trying to read his body language which she was always good at. She could sense the irritation as he body was extremely tensed compared to his normal relaxed posture.

"You know I hate when you keep things from me." (Y/N) scolded him with her eyebrows raising. Dave whipped his head to the girl as she smiled at him, showing her teeth and dimples. He smiled back at the girl as it was extremely contagious, and bashfully looked down at his lap.

He knew he shouldn't feel the way he did, she was his best friend for Gods sake. That's all she was supposed to be but he couldn't help but feel more for her. The feelings have always been there, and he guessed that it began to be clear once he started dating Aubrey.

Him and Aubrey's relationship didn't feel right to him. It was more just about actually being with someone who returned the feelings. Though, his thoughts began to be clouded with (Y/N) instead of Aubrey as they were dating and doing certain things.

The truth was that Dave accidentally moaned (Y/N)'s name during sex with Aubrey causing her to flip out. She immediately kicked him out afterwards and he didn't even attempt to make up an excuse. He knew that day he was in love with his best friend and always has been.

"Dave!" The high voice of Stella broke him out of his thoughts and his eyes trained on his red headed step-sister. "Look how high I am!"

(Y/N) and Dave both laughed at the energetic girl as she stood at the top slope of the playground, jumping up and down. (Y/N)'s laugh immediately caught his attention and he stopped to listen to the angelic sound of it. Noticing him not laughing anymore she looked over at Dave to see him staring at her with a unknown gaze.


He didn't know where his confidence came from but he found himself leaning towards the girl. His lips found hers in a soft kiss, testing the feeling of them connected for the first time. She sucked in a harsh breathe, shocked at the action but pleased at the same time.

Their lips meshed together messily, but passionately. Dave moaned into her month causing her mouth to part slightly. He stuck his tongue in her mouth, the sweet taste of strawberries mixed with vanilla invading his senses.

"Eww!" The two jolted away from each other hearts racing erratically from fear and adrenaline. Their faces dusted red as Stella stood their with her nose crinkled and big doe eyes squinting at the two.

Dave and (Y/N) chuckled nervously, their lips both swollen and pink from the rough kissing. Scratching the back of his head, Stella gave him a thumbs up before running off.

"Wow ... " (Y/N) said while biting her lip trying to savoring the feeling of his lips against hers. He nodded his head quickly, gulping and looking down at his intertwined hands.

"That's why." Dave spoke up causing (Y/N) to snap her head to him with a confused face. "That's the reason she broke up with me, well not exactly."

"She broke up with you because you wanted to kiss me." Dave nodded his head and she grinned cheekily.

"I might of said your name during a certain intercourse." Dave hinted making (Y/N)'s jaw drop simultaneously, but the a loud laugh sounded from her throat making her hunch over. "Stop it!"

"It's hilarious though. Nice to know you think of me during your sexy times."

Dave's face turned a bright red as he watched the girl he was in love with beam with giddiness. She then saw his embarrassed expression and fake pouted in the most adorable way. Dave rolled his eyes and flicked her off causing a gasp to leaver her lips while she smacked his arm with a grin on her lips.

"You douche." (Y/N) she laughed and Dave did too, finding himself staring at her lips. His heart race picked up as he leaned in once again, but she already had the same idea and met him halfway.

They continued to kiss even when Stella's small voice popped up, but Dave shooed her away without breaking the kiss causing chuckles to escape (Y/N) eventually breaking the kiss. She gave him a chaste kiss before pulling away and getting up confusing him for a second. She winked at him deviously before turning to look at Stella, taking off towards her.

"Stella, run he has cooties!" Dave watched as (Y/N) took off grasping Stella's hand and running away from causing Dave to yell out. He sighed loudly and took after his two favorite girls.

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