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WARNINGS : angst , betrayal

SUMMARY : (Y/N) shares a sensitive moment with Thomas before she betrays his trust.

WORDS : 1114

SONG : Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood

(Y/N) STOOD atop the cliff with her arms at her side and eyes transfixed on the setting sun

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(Y/N) STOOD atop the cliff with her arms at her side and eyes transfixed on the setting sun. Through teary eyes, (Y/N) watched the sun fall below the horizon. Painting the sky shades of red and pink, and she thanks whatever higher being there was that the day had come and gone. All the pain and hurt she felt was gone as soon as her memories came back to her slowly, but it was replaced with a numbness.

"Do you see those colors, (Y/N)?" Her father would ask her during late nights as they watched the sunset together. "They are symbols. Each showing you the good tomorrow can bring." But (Y/N) wants to remind herself that soon those colors will be hidden within the black despair of night, symbolizing the suffering tomorrow will bring to her. She wasn't going to forgive herself just as everyone else won't after the sun has risen into a new day.

She bit her tongue, trying to hold the tears that threatened to leave her eyes. And that's when she couldn't hold them anymore. First, one small crystal bead escapes from her right eye. She can feel the warmth sliding down her cheek, and rolling off her chin. Then another. And another. Until her eyes flood with them, coming like rainfall. Sniffling every other second, they fall, and fall, and she lets them.

"(Y/N)?" She didn't bother to turn around and look at the intruder because she already knew it was Thomas. She would recognize his voice within a heartbeat. (Y/N) clenched her eyes shut tighter, willing herself to not let the tears fall more than they already were. "What are you doing up here?"

"My dad use to tell me the sunset symbolized a new tomorrow. Each one is different than the other, and none are ever the same." (Y/N) spoke in a small and broken voice. She turned around to look at Thomas as he studied her, stopping a few feet away. "Every night we would watch the sunset together until he got sick and everything changed."

"(Y/N), whats going on with you?" Thomas asked the girl with broken eyes, wanting to reach out and pull her into his arms but he could feel the distance she was putting. He could almost feel the walls she was putting up around herself, ready to keep away anyone at all costs.

"I would hear his screams at night in his bedroom, and the sounds of banging against the walls. I was only a little girl Thomas," the stream of tears came faster than before, sobs wanting to escape from her throat. "Then they just stopped. I went into his room and had seen him laying against the bed in a puddle of blood. He had killed himself and left me Thomas."

Thomas couldn't keep looking into her eyes feeling his own heart break at the sight. A pitiful look over took his features as he watched (Y/N) bite her lip, chin trembling as sobs wanted to burst free.

"There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them. I won't." (Y/N) watched the confusion etch onto his features, but then realization hit them all at once. Thomas took a hesitant step towards her, as if he couldn't believe the thought that seemed to cloud his mind.

"Wait, wh-what are you saying?" Thomas asked in a low whisper as his nostrils flared slightly and his breathing picked up. His own eyes became glossy as his mind told him one thing but his heart said another.

"I want you to understand."

"Understand what?" Thomas asked as a tear fled down his flushed cheek, a sob escaped her throat as she covered her face in her sleeve to contain herself. Thomas let his own tears cascade down his cheek and onto his shirt soaking it.

"Why I did it." His eyes flickered behind her with wide eyes. His mouth parted and she already knew what he was looking at. She turned to see two giant lights and the sounds of helicopters ringing in the silent air.

"(Y/N)..." The knife like pain he felt sat precariously on his skin, soft enough to not pierce his skin, but hard enough to enforce a scorching pain. The harsh metal should have felt cold and raw against his skin, but his numb body could not feel anything except the excruciating pain of her betrayal.

His brown eyes stared into her own as she sobbed and pierced his skin with a blade that will forever leave a scar. She had always thought his eyes were golden, but looking at them now she could see no trace of the vibrancy they once held, no trace of the boy she once knew.

"Please, don't fight them Thomas." He flinched at his name upon her lips and that's when she knew. She had betrayed him and his trust. He would never forgive her for her betrayal and she will live with that for the rest of her life. She would know that she had given up the freedom and safety of her friends for people they don't know, but the small hope that they could save millions of lives was still present.

"What have you done?" He squinted his eyes at her as if he couldn't believe what was happening. The sound of helicopters approaching faster seemed to ring through his ears making him back away. "What have you done?"

Thomas backed away from the sobbing girl. He took a double take of (Y/N), not believing she had betrayed them all without so much as a second thought. She squeezed her eyes shut as he gave her his own broken eyes, and felt every fiber of trust he had built for her come tumbling down.

He took off and away from (Y/N), running towards the camp. She watched the helicopters come in at high speeds, and just as she heard Thomas scream, explosions went off catching the camp on fire as screams erupted from people.

Regret washed over her like a long slow wave on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down her spine. How she longed to go back and take a different path, but now that was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to make it right. The remorse would eat at her everyday of her life. She envied the pebbles, hard and lifeless, unable to feel the torments of life.

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