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WARNINGS : suicide attempt , don't read if you have delt with it yourself , angst , self doubt

SUMMARY : (Y/N) finds herself caught in her own dangerous thoughts as wolfsbane takes over.

WORDS : 664

SONG : Sleep Thru Ur Alarm - Lontalius

YOU STOOD in the middle of the parking lot, your thoughts taking over your being as everything seemed to go silent

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YOU STOOD in the middle of the parking lot, your thoughts taking over your being as everything seemed to go silent. Everything but the deafening sound of your constant doubt swarming in your mind. You didn't know why but you wanted to do something you would regret forever. It felt as if something was urging you to end everything.

You aren't worth it.

Your just another screw up.

No one loves you.

He doesn't love you.

Sobs escaped from your lips as the thoughts seemed to get louder and worse, pointing out everything wrong with you. Your hands shook as you gripped the gun in your hand, your finger hovering over the trigger as it rested at your side.

"(Y/N) . . . "

You didn't turn around at the familiar voice because you already knew it was Stiles. Your long time best friend and the boy you have been in love with since you could remember. But he wasn't in love with you and never will be because he has Lydia.

He loves her not you.

He came around to face you, fear written on his features as you stood there gun in hand and tears rushing down your face. He knew it was the wolfsbane playing with your mind, but the slight possibility you were still there gave him hope. You looked up at him with the most broken face, he wish he could just pull you into his arms at the moment.

"(Y/N) what are you doing." Stiles said as he took a hesitant step towards you making you flinch. "Please put the gun down."

"Why should I?" You cried and watched a tears began to stream down his face. "No one would miss me. It would just be another burden off your shoulders."

"That's not true (Y/N) and you know it. We need you." Stiles told her and eyed the gun cautiously as your hand began to move subtly.

"You don't need me. You never did and never will. You know how hard it is loving you but all you care about is her. Your in love with Lydia." (Y/N) sobbed and her lip trembled gently. Stiles shook his head and took more steps towards you.

"I'm not in love with her, not anymore. (Y/N) I love you and you can't do this to me. So please just give me the gun." Stiles tried to speak gently but his voice wavered slightly. He didn't know what he would do if you pulled the trigger. He couldn't lose you.

"Maybe I should just be no one. No one at all." You whispered and Stiles watched as you brought he gun up to your head, finger tightening around the trigger.

"(Y/N) please. I'm in love with you and I can't lose you. Your everything to me, okay? Your my best friend. If you die I will literally go out of my fricken mind. So just give me the gun." Stiles took steps all the way until he was standing in front of your broken form.

You looked up at him with darkened eyes and he swore he didn't see a trace of the your happy being he loves so much. Any single ounce of you was gone and left with a broken hearted girl with your last ounce of dignity stripped away from you.

"I'm sorry." You said and closed your eyes.

"No!" Stiles yelled and instinctively reached out and hit the gun as hard as he could. You sound of a gun firing sounded in both of your ears but you were still alive, sobs escaping your throat as you screamed at him.

"Let me die! Let me die! I don't want to live anymore!" You sobbed into his chest as he held you, both of you falling to your knees and crying in each other's arms. Stiles kept whispering sweat nothings in your ear that night as he rocked you back and forth, fighting off your inner demons until the wolfsbane in your system faded away.

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