
2.8K 33 11


WARNINGS : fluffish smut , language , mentions of past neglect , mitch being adorable

SUMMARY : you and mitch have your first time, but there is a small problem. shes deaf.

WORDS : 2,498

SONG : feel real - deptford goth

You giggled as you knocked over Mitch's king on the checkered game board between the two of you and placed your king on the black square

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You giggled as you knocked over Mitch's king on the checkered game board between the two of you and placed your king on the black square. His eyes widen in shock, flicking between you and the game.

'Cheater!' He signed, knocking the game over with his hand and tackling you. You let out an inaudible shriek as you tumbled backwards, landing onto the carpet with a thud. This was a regular evening in the Mitch-(Y/N) household. The two of you had many little hobbies that usually ended with the two of you in a rather heated tickle fight on the floor of your shared apartment.

Mitch and you started dating a little over five months ago. You met him when you first moved into the apartment next door to his. He was quite and didn't talk to you the first few weeks but finally introduced himself. He was surprised at first by you being deaf, but quickly adjusted to the newfound news.

And since then, you guys have been inseparable.
Mitch was everything you've ever looked for in a man. He was smart, funny, caring and he was absolutely gorgeous. From his shaggy brown hair, which you loved to tug gently on, and to his dark brown, hazel eyes that you loved to wake up to each morning; Mitch was perfect.

But five months in, you began to ponder about the idea of being intimate with Mitch.

Being deaf, you never really dated. You figured it was better off being single ever since the few dates that you went on ended in either the guy not wanting to even try to communicate with you, or them just wanting sex. And you weren't really a one night stand kind of girl. So, you were brand new in the sex department.

But Mitch was an entirely different subject.
Not only did he learn sign language - which he was really fast at learning - he was old fashioned. And by old fashioned, that meant he took his time with things, not wanting to rush. He took you on all kinds of dates, not even mentioning sex once. He brought you roses, both in person and by delivery whenever you were feeling down, or just for the hell of it. He listened to you, his eyes never even going near your cleavage. He remembered the little things about you, things the average person wouldn't have picked up on or things you didn't even remember. He made sure you were completely ready the first time he kissed you and asked for permission for every single thing he did. Even if it lead to a hour long make out session that night.

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