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SUMMARY : Thomas saves (Y/N) from her own fate.

WORDS : 1113

SONG - Je Te Laisserais Des Mots - Patrick Watson

SONG - Je Te Laisserais Des Mots - Patrick Watson

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THE SILENCE was filled with an almost annoying dripping noise that made its way into your ears. Slowly opening your eyes, you made out a small prickling sensation running from your arm and towards the source of sound. Goosebumps invaded your arm hairs making them stand on end, slight chills running down your spine at the freezing temperature.

As you began to come back to your senses, you could make out an IV sticking out of your arm and flowing to a clear bag full of black liquid. Your body felt numb almost, and you could still feel the stinging sensation upon your thigh where you knew the bite mark was. Dread seem to consume you as your disoriented self came to realization.

Just then did a small hand grasp your shoulder slightly, making you flinch almost immediately. The familiar short haired girl stood next to your bed with a frail smile upon her chapped lips, eyes red with tears.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Brenda spoke in a raspy voice, kneeling down to be level with you as she caressed your hand gently.

"Brenda? What's going on?" You spoke dryly, your voice cracking and throat burning with a metallic taste. Brenda looked away from you and behind her, you trying to do the same but felt your whole body ache horribly.

"You fainted and ... and they were going to kill you but Thomas he-he saved your life." Brenda stood up abruptly after speaking and you opened your mouth slightly, letting your head fall back against the pillow.

"Where is he?" You then asked Brenda turning your head to look at your sister. Brenda turned around once more and grabbed her jacket from the chair beside the bed.

"I'll be back." Brenda said and walked out of the tent, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more. You didn't know what you would tell Thomas or even how you were going to thank him, but you now knew that he saved your life. And you owe him big time.

Outside the tent Brenda walked towards Thomas, him sitting outside on a chair with his eyes trained on the small wooden figure in his hand. Brenda stopped in front of him making his eyes trail up to her face, and stood up immediately when he recognized her, stuffing the carving back in his pocket.

"(Y/N) is up, you should go see her." Brenda told him and he nodded immediately, ready to walk past her and towards the large tent but she stopped him before he could. "I-uh just wanted to say thank you. She means the world to me and Jorge and without you here I don't know what I would have done."

Thomas didn't know what to say but he didn't have to because she was already pulling him into a hug. Thomas awkwardly hugged back before Brenda let go. Giving him one last glance, she strutted away, Thomas eyes lingering on the woman.

Letting out a deep breathe he walked slowly towards the tent, and walked through the unzipped cover. You laid there with your arms at your side and eyes closed, looking peaceful. The sound of his footsteps made you turn your head to the noise, and a smile rose upon your lips at him.

He smiled back and let his jacket fall from his frame, putting it on the table as he walked towards the bed. Getting on his knees, he let his hand drift towards your forehead, brushing away the stray hairs that seemed to stick to it.

"Hey Thomas." You spoke quietly and weakly, a sweet smile grazing your pink lips.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you feeling?" His eyes drifted down your body and towards the exposed skin upon your leg, showing the dark and black blood coating the bite mark. He knew that his blood would give you a few months, but you'll eventually need more and knowing you, you wouldn't except his blood forever.

"Could be better you know?" A angelic laugh sounded from your lips and one erupted from Thomas, him admiring the beautiful sound. You took his hand between your own and enjoyed the warm feeling of them between your cold ones.

Your face then turned serious as you looked intently into his own eyes. You have never noticed the golden flecks that seemed to make them sparkle, almost as if they were shining like two stars. You loved the beautiful color of them as they were every brown you could cipher, a deep sienna full of love and passion.

"I just wanted to say thank you ... for everything. Without you I would be dead." You told him truthfully because you know it is. Without him you would be another body to take care of, another crank ready to kill anyone and everything.

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Thomas said and a almost sorrowful smile made itself present on your lips as you looked at Thomas. Thomas felt himself frown at you, but you was already speaking before he could question.

"I know you will Thomas, but you can't do this forever. One day I'm going to turn and I'm not going to burden you with myself-"

"You'll never be a burden to me-"

"Yes I will be." You spoke forcefully and looked away from his hard and intense gaze. You took a deep breathe and urged yourself to look at him again. "One day I'll be another burden on your shoulders and I don't want that. So, when I turn, not if-when, I want you to be the one to put me out. Not anyone else."

Thomas felt his heart drop in his stomach almost painfully. He clenched his jaw shut and looked away from you, feeling different emotions surface but the most prominent one was sadness. He didn't want to say goodbye to another one of his friends.

"Promise me, Thomas." You took his chin in your hands and pulled his head gently to look at you. Thomas pursed his lips and scooted closer to you, pulling you into a warm hug full of love and comfort.

"I promise."

That was the first lie he had told you. He didn't keep your promise because he couldn't will himself to do it, but he made a different promise with himself that day. He promised himself to make sure you live and that you won't come to the point of him having to put you out, because frankly if he did, he wouldn't be able to.

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