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WARNINGS : major angst , lots of feels , cheating stiles , betrayal , anger , cursing

SUMMARY : seeing them together hurts and you can't help but relive your hardest memory.

WORDS : 899

SONG : My Own - Whitaker

SIGHING GENTLY, you slammed your locker closed with shaky hands, taking a strand of hair behind your ear insecurely

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SIGHING GENTLY, you slammed your locker closed with shaky hands, taking a strand of hair behind your ear insecurely. Feeling pitiful eyes on you made you more overwhelmed than before. Everyone knew what has happened, of course they did. You felt the urge to puke as anxiety seemed to surface, the attention becoming too much.

A hand was placed on your shoulder making you spin around quickly, heart jumping in your chest. You were met with bright green eyes and plump lips offering you a forced smile.

"You okay?" Lydia asked as she took in your poorly dressed attire and tired eyes. She understood though. She knows exactly what it's like to go through what you currently are, having gone through it herself.

Forcing a smile of your own was painful but you did anyways. Nodding your head slowly you almost could seem convincing but Lydia knows you better than anyone. She could see the dullness in your eyes and that gave it all away.

"You don't have to be here. Especially since he is...you know with her." Lydia spoke gently and you felt a fire burn in your stomach at the small mention of her. The blazing flame that was storing inside of you igniting once more.

"I'm fine." You spoke firmly while looking away from her eyes. You always looked away when you lied. Deciding to not press anymore, Lydia pursed her lips before deciphering her next words.

Though your attention was elsewhere as she began to speak. The doors opened to the entrance and you felt your heart drop. There was the last two people you wanted to see, walking hand in hand with smiles set upon their faces. That being Stiles and Malia. Your boy-ex boyfriend and ex best friend.

All the bad memories came rushing back at the sight of them together once again.

A smile grazed your lush lips at the sight of his jeep parked in his driveway. The cold air of the night hit your skin causing goosebumps to ablaze upon your exposed skin. Shorts and a tank top adoring your frame. You decided to pay Stiles a visit, as he would be leaving in the morning for some family thing.

Surprisingly the lights were on in his bedroom, illuminating through his window. Pulling out his spare house key from under the mat, you unlocked the front door. No sign of his dad was present which made your heart flutter at the thought of you being alone with him.

Slowly, you creep up the stairs wanting to surprise him. Your ears perk up at noises coming from his room, making your eyebrows furrow. Walking towards his door that's ajar and you grasp the handle but stop almost immediately.

"Stiles..." a feminine moan sounds from the other end making your heart drop in your stomach, blood running cold. "Just like that Stiles."

You felt your hands shake and tears well up in your eyes at the familiar voice of your friend Malia moaning. Taking your last ounce of strength you had, you opened the door to reveal your worst nightmare.

Stiles lays on Malia, almost completely naked, and is kissing down her jaw. You feel frozen in your spot and tears stream down your face. You felt everything go silent until you let out a unwelcome sob.

The two scrambled away from each other and you kept your blurry eyes trained on Stiles. His mouth agape and eyes wide in fear as he took your broken form in. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as he searched for words.

"(Y/N)-" Stiles began to speak but you quickly shook your head cutting him off.

"How could you?" Your voice came out broken and small making Stiles let out a shaky breathe as his own tears built in his eyes. "Especially with my best friend."

"I'm sorry." Stiles spoke and began walking towards you but you flinched away, your back meeting the wall behind you. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I know." You said and Stiles stopped in his tracks. "But you did anyways."

Looking at Malia for the first time, she avoided your gaze and you shook your head feeling betrayal set in. Turning around you ran out the door and down the stairs, your horrific sobs following you the whole way.

You could hear him yelling your name as he followed you but you were already out the door. You ran the rest of the way home with nothing but the feeling of betrayal clouding your mind. You felt used. You felt dirty. But most of all...you felt empty.

"(Y/N)?" Lydia's voice broke you out of your trance and you took your gaze away from them. You felt tears stinging your eyes and you quickly wiped them away but Lydia saw the glistening water. "Let's just get you home, okay?"

Not wanting to argue with her you nodded your head and grasped your hand in hers, walking the opposite direction of the one person you despise completely, yet love all the same.

What you missed was Stiles watching you walk away from him, a longing look upon his face. He didn't know it at first, but he had lost the best thing in his life. He had lost the love of his life because he made a mistake, but nothing could take it back. So, he watched you walk away from him once more.

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