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Hey I am Aubrie but if you know me well you would know I go by Brie. Yes like the cheese. I am 17 years of age. I have medium length brown hair with blond highlights. My hair is naturally wavy. I like to cheer and play volleyball. One of my best friends since like 5th grade when I moved here is Cameron Dallas. We were now in 12th. Yes! Anyways Cameron and I have been friends with each other for like 7 years. I kinda have feelings for him but it would be wierd dating him I guess. Like if we broke up.... How would that affect our friendship? And besides I doubt he would want to date a goof like me.

I wake up and look at my phone. 9:35 on a Saturday. What to do today? What to do today? I then get a text from Cameron,

C- Hey when you get this text me.

B- I am up.

C- Did I wake you?

B- No no. I just woke up.

C- Oh okay. but do you wanna hang out with me and Nash and Hayes?

B- Yea what time?

C- Noon. and we are at my house. We might eventually go to Nash's place.

B- Okay. Let me go eat and then I will get ready.

*end of conversation*

I walk down stairs just to see my twin sisters watching tv. They were identical twins. The older one is taller. The oldest one was named Greyson while the yougest one was named Elizabeth. We call them Gracie and Lizzy. They are 14 years old. I do have an older brother but he is in college. He is named Reed and actually goes to school with Nash's older brother Will.

I ask the twins what they had for breakfast. They said they had cearal. I look through my options and find my favorite cearal... Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I fix me a bowl and tell the girls that I will be with Cameron and Nash this afternoon and then I would be back to take them to practice. Greyson cheers and Elizabeth plays soccer and volleyball. Luckily today they have practice at the same time so I can drop them off and leave. Mom and dad told me that if I dropped them off or picked them up they would pay for camps and gas and stuff like that. It seemed like a fair deal so I acepted.

They're practice started at 7 and ended at 9. I would have about 7 hours with the guys. I go up stairs and get dressed. I wear a loose obey grey and black tank with some denim shorts, an obey snapback that Cameron got for me, my blue vans and some RayBans. I fishtail braided my hair and put the hat on backwards. I put on my shades, grabbed my penny board, phone and told the girls to be good and to be ready before 7:00. I rode to Cameron's house because it was just down the street. I get off my penny board and walk on in. Hayes sees me and says "Hey Brie, the boys are upstairs playing call of duty. I was playing but I got hungry." "Okay Hayes." I said. He is always eating.

I go upstairs and go to the game room. Cameron has a big house. I say "I am here!" He pauses the game and looks at me. He starts staring and I get worried. Did I have something on my face? I just looked down and started blushing.

*Cams POV*

I heard the game room open and someone say "I am here!" It was Brie. She looked good. She was so perfect and I guess I started staring cause she looked down and started blushing. She was so cute.

"do you guys wanna go penny boarding or something?" she asks.

"yeah." we all say.

she goes downstairs to homeboy.

Nash looked at me and said "You are fallin' for her. Like bad."

I say "I know but we have been friends since 5th grade. Wouldn't it be wierd dating her? It could mess up our friendship."

"But Cam you have to think. She is stunning. Every boy wants her. Don't miss up an opritunity bro. You might not get her back."

"Okay man, Thanks" I say

We go to the park to get ice cream. I am riding beside Brie. She is so cool.

I ask her "Hey Brie?"

"What?" she says.

"I was wanting to see if you know wanna go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

"Cam I would love to!"

We get a milkshake and share it. Nash texts me.

N- Whats going on between you two?

C- I asked her on a date.

N- What'd she say?

C- yes!

N- that's awesome dude.

*end of conversation*

(Hey guys. I know when your reading this there will probably be spelling and grammar issues. Please don't tell me. I know. I will be editing it when I get a chance. Hope you enjoy!)

[edited 5-21-15 5:00 pm]

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