•T W E N T Y O N E•

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Brie's POV

I guess that we were all shocked when we found out that Greer and Lauren were sisters. I would have never guessed. Lauren has this long curly brown hair. Greer has this blondish brown hair that is wavy. They do have the same colored eyes, light brown. And I guess there face shape is the same.

They are attached at the hip now. I think today they are going to the mall. I am happy for them though.

Cam's POV

•1 month later•

I got a call today from Sunsation Tour. It's a bus tour that we go on and tour kinda like Magcon but without planes and Bart the money man.

I asked if my family can come and he said yea. I have to tell Brie.

"Oh Brie??" I say.

"What babe?"

"I hope you don't mind buses because we will be on one for like 6 weeks."


"Sunsation Tour called and is interested in me."

"Oh my gosh babe I am so happy for you. Do we get to go?"

"Uhh. Yeah. You do."

"Oh my gosh. Yay. We get to be with a lot of the Magcon crew."

"Yep babe." I kiss her lips. It was a perfect kiss.

"The baby is kicking Cam." He puts his hand on my stomach.


Cam laughs.

"It's not funny."

"Fuckk!! It hurts."

"Cam take me to the hospital. I am having the baby girl."

"What? Your only 7 months."

"Just take me to the hospital. Babe my water broke."


I grab my phone and charger with some extra clothes.

Cams POV

I run next door an knock on Aaron's door.

"Hey we are going to the hospital. I need you to keep the boys."

"Okay I will go get them. Do you mind if I stop by later?"

"No. Just keep them right now."


I run to the car and drive out the drive way.

We get to the hospital and they get her a room.

"Fuck!!" She squeezes my hand.

"It's gonna be alright babe."

"Shit! Oww!!"

She is ready and we start to push.


"Your doing great."


"Good job babe"


"I see a head."


Brie's POV

I hear cries. Our baby is here. Turns out when I went I was actually 2 months so the machine thing was wrong.

I gave birth to the beautiful Addison Grace Dallas.

[edited 5-27-15 9:29 pm]

Pregnant by Magcon Boys | c.dWhere stories live. Discover now