•E I G H T•

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Brie's POV

•5 months later•

Today is mine and Taylor's 5 month aniversery. I am really excited. I haven't seen him in a while because of his tour with Dillon. But I am going to surprise him. Cam and I are friends. I think Cam is even suposed to be there today but I really don't know.

I walk in to the hotel and I text Cam to see if he knows where there room is.

B- Do you know where Taylor's room is at?

C- 5th floor room 503

B- Thanks.

I go and I am about to knock on the door and I hear moaning... and its from a girl. DID HE CHEAT? I knock on the door and a girl comes and opens the door.

I say "Hi I was wondering if Taylor is here?"

"Um yeah let me go get him."

"You don't have to do that. Just tell him his girlfriend, well I mean ex girlfriend now, was here and that she says have a great 5 month aniversery."

"Ok. I will"

"Bye. Nice meeting you by the way."

Wow! Tears are threatining to spill out my eyes but I try and blink them away. I call Cam and tell him that I need him.

"Cam I need you to come see me. I am on the roof."

"Okay be there in a second."

A few minutes later I hear Cam come up.


"Tay cheated on me. He had fucking sex with another girl."

"Oh. I am so sorry."

"It's fine. But look at the sky it is so beautiful."

"Its the second beautiful thing."

"Whats the first?"


"AWW your to sweet."

He leans in and I just bring him closer and kiss him gently. I really need Cam. I hope he knows that.

"Cam I need you. I really need you to know that."

"I need you too. I never stopped loving you. Just know that." he says.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Yes!"

We kiss again and it turned into a make out session.

•3 years later•

•I would listen to Love Story by Taylor Swift for this part•

Cam and I have been together for 3 years now. Cam is 22 and I am 20. We don't live together but we are still near each other. Maybe one day we will be more.

Today we are going to the beach for a picnic. I get ready and put on my bathing suit and then a green and white flannel and white shorts with some tan sandals with my shades. He said be ready by 7. It is now 6:58. I grab my phone and head downstairs. I get to the bottom step and then the door bell rings. I say "I got it!" and run to the door.

I open the door and see Cameron holding a beautiful flowers. I say "Cam you didn't have to do this."

"I did it anyway." I put the flowers in a vase with some water and say bye to my older sister and then my baby sister. Her name was Blair Jordan Miles. I helped with the name. She is 1. I hug her bye and say "I will be back later." She says "Ohtay." She is so cute.

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