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Cam's POV

I am a little jelous that Brie has her elbow on Taylors shoulder. She isn't supposed to do that.

What should I do to get her back?Should I get her back? Is she just being a friend?

I don't know but I feel like I need to do something to get her back.

Nash's POV

I know Cam is thinking about Taylor and Brie. He has told me how he doesn't want to lose Taylor as a friend but if he wanted to steal Brie he would have to go through Cam. I need to tell him that he needs to chill its just friendly.

N- Dude don't worry!!

C- How do I fucking know its just friendly?

N- I know Taylor. Yeah he may be a player but he wouldn't do anything to steal her from you.

C- Okay I guess.

Brie POV

We go get ice cream. Me and Cam share a chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake.

•about to leave•

Cam's POV

I go to throw away the trash. (the trash can is arround the corner). I turn the corner and a really cute girl comes up to me. I talk with her for a minute or two and then go to through away the trash. She hangs on to my arm. I really hope Brie doesn't come. She pulls me in for a kiss. I don't resist.

Brie's POV

I walk to go see what Cameron is doing. I find Cam but.... he..... he's kissing another girl. I run out of the store with tears pouring out of my eyes. I think Taylor is calling me but I don't stop. I run to the hotel and then I go to my room. I hit the stairs and make it to our room in about 2 minutes. I unlock the door drop my penny board and then I lock myself in the bathroom.

I take out my "missing" blade. I start cutting. I cut my wrists. Taylor is screaming my name. I finaly let him in. He gasps at my wrists.

He says "Brie what happened? Why are you doing this?"

"Cameron cheated on me. He was kissing another girl. I don't even think he noticed."

"Okay but why are you cutting? You know what happens when you do."

"It was in the heat of the moment. You already know why but I guess I thought wrong about Cam."

Taylor takes off his bandana and puts it arround my the cuts. Then he holds me the way I needed. I turn my head and lean in. I kiss him and all my pain floats away. It was almost like Cams but Cam had fireworks going on. I hear the door open and then I pull away. I ask Taylor and Shawn to please give me and Cam a minute. They say sure and they leave.

"So... whats going on?" Cam says.

"I saw you Cam. I saw you kiss that fucking girl."


"Yea Cam you just have an oh for cheating on me with a girl you barely even fucking know."

"I guess I am sorry."

"Stop acting like a fucking douche."

"This isn't the Brie I know."

"Well you will see more of me you dumbass. I can't believe I trusted you."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Oh My God Cameron are you stupid.'

I hear a knock on the door. I go answer it.

I open the door to see a blonde at the door.

"May I help you?" I say politely.


"Um no!"

"You Bitch."

"Shut the fuck up you slut. If you are looking for Cameron he is not here."


"What babe?" he says.

"See he is here you bitch."

I couldn't stand her anymore. I jumped on her. I pulled my her hair. I also punched her in the face. I would have kept punching her but I got pulled off. Cam was comforting the bitch. Taylor me. I kissed him. I couldn't resist.

[edited 5-27-15 4:45 pm]

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