•T H I R T E E N•

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Hayes POV

I am really happy that Lauren said yes. I was really shocked she didn't have a boyfriend seeing how she is so pretty and perfect.

We go to Hollister and then to the Van store.

"Hayes you are NOT paying for my stuff." She says.

"Uh yes I am. Now move."

"No I will not move." she sasses.

"You do realize that I always win this right? Just give it up." I say.

"Fine but I won't get as much."

"Yes you will. You will get what you want. Or I will pick out the stuff and pay for it."

"Fine Hayes."

I am pretty sure she is mad at me.

She had like 5 shirts and 2 pairs of pants with like 3 pairs of Vans. I can kinda see why she didn't want me to pay but I love her. I know we just started dating but she is the one I want to grow old with.

We pay and then we go to Starbucks. She says "I am paying for this so get what you want."


We walk to the counter and the man says, "Welcome to Starbucks what could I get for you?"

"I want a tall mocha cookie crumble frappe extra whip." She says.

"I will have the same." I say.

"What are the names?" he says.

"Hayes and Lauren." we say.

We wait for our drinks and we get them.

We walk out and I intertwined our fingers.

We walk to my car and I open the door for Lauren.

Lauren's POV

Hayes is such a gentleman. He opened the door for me.

"You know Hayes?"

"What Lauren?"

"I love you! This year and a half was torture because I couldn't see you. I missed you so much but I was doing what I love. It hurt so much when you didn't ask me out. I felt friendzoned but it turns out that you cared and didn't have the words to ask me out. I love you Hayes. I really do!"

"I love you babe. I missed you so much and I never forgot the days after you left. You can ask anyone. I talked about you nonstop and I kept telling my self the next time I saw you that I would ask you out and I did. I saw you today and I just thought in my head that today is the day."

"I love you so much!" I say.

"Do you just wanna come to my house and stay?"

"Sure. Let me ask my mom." I say.

Mom, Lauren

Hey mom, I have a question.

Hit me.

Can I stay at Nashes so I can catch up with them?

Sure why not? The only thing I ask is no, and I mean no, funny business.

Okay mom. I promise there will be no "funny business".

Okay. Love you honey.

Love you too.

"Hayes?" I say with a sad sounding voice.

"Did she say no?"

"No. She said yes. Haha. You got fooled."

Hayes punches me in the arm.


[edited 5-27-15 9:04]

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