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Camerons POV

I really can not believe what I just saw. Like what the fuck. Why would she kiss Taylor, my best friend, in front of me.

I didn't know what to do so I kissed Alex. I am pretty sure everyone was looking but I really don't care anymore. I think the boys might even be mad at me.

I notice that Brie has a bandana on her wrists. I don't know why. I will find out though.

Carters POV

I call a boys meeting mainly for Cam and Tay to tell us what is going on. We go in Kians room and the girls I think go shopping.

I say "So what is going on?"

Cam says "I would like to know that myself."

"You kissed another girl Cameron. What don't you understand?" Taylor said.

"What's with the bandana on Brie's wrist?" Cam says.

"She cut because of you, dumbass. What did you think she would do? Go eat Ben and Jerry's?" Shawn says.

"Wow Shawn." Taylor says.

"So are you and Brie still together?" I say.

"I don't think so. I am pretty sure when she cussed me out we broke up." Cam says.

"Oh." I say.

"Are you mad at me?" Cam says.

We hear some yes and no's throughout the room.

Aaron has an idea. He says "We should make a line and tell what Cam and Taylor should have done just so they won't do it again."

We here okays throughout the room.

We make a line and Alx goes first.

Alx says, "I think you should have watched yourself. You knew she would cut. That girl was a hoe. You know what I would say. I am trying to stay calm."

"Bruh you shouldn't have done that. She was a really good friend and I think you ruined that. I know you think it was a mistake and your only human but you didn't even try to pull away. You think you are innocent but your not. When Hayes curses you out for this don't be surprised. Make better decisions next time." Nash said.

The line keeps going until someone bursts through the door.... Hayes. He was furious. He went with the girls to get food. I think he found out that she cut because of him.

"Cameron Dallas... the dumbass that made my sister cut. I really fucking hate you. Okay? I sure hope this slut is for you because I will NEVER and I mean NEVER let her date you again. Go find some more hoes. Go ahead the door is open. And to think that I EVER looked up to you. God I was so fucking stupid I knew you would fuck up her life. She doesn't deserve a fucking douche like you. She has done nothing to you except trusted you. It probably wouldn't have been a big deal if you would have pushed her away. Instead you just swollow her throat. Your a fucking douche bag. Remember that!!!"

Camerons POV

I really fucked up. All I can think about is what Hayes says. He is totaly true. Ugh now I won't ever be able to get her back.

Bries POV

We went shopping while the boys have a "meeting". We are now at the hotel and Taylor and I are cuddling. I think later we are going to a movie. I kiss Taylor on the nose and he starts pouting. I then give him a soft passionate kiss on the lips. He smiles.

He says "Brie will you go out with me? I promise to not hurt you like Cam did."

"I thought you'd never ask."

•Who do you ship Baylor or Bam? Or niether?•

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