•F I F T E E N•

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•I would listen to I Don't Dance by Lee Brice for this part•

•6 months later•

Brie's POV

Cameron and I are going out tonight. We are letting Nash, Hayes, Lauren, Aaron and the Jacks babysit. Hopefully we keep them covered. Yes Lauren and Hayes are still together.

We aren't coming back tonight unless an emergency. I don't know how to dress so I am letting Cam pick out my outfit. He picks out a short navy blue dress with a dark jean jacket with some sandals. I curl my hair and start to put on makeup.

Cam comes in and and says "You don't need makeup."

"Oh please. I do." I say as I continue to put on blush.

"No you don't."

"Okay Cam but I am still putting it on."

I finish up and start packing. I bring the essentials and some tribal leggings and a aqua blue sweater with my uggs. I also bring a pink hi low dress with heels just in case.

I go downstairs with all my stuff and I kiss the boys' heads and we leave.

We get in the Tahoe and leave. Cam was driving and I say "Hey Cam? Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise!"

"Oh okay!"

He was in a tux so it must be somewhere fancy.

The car stops and there is a building. Cam comes and opens my door and takes my hand.

We walk in and there are people dancing. Cam takes my hand and says "May I have this dance?"

I say "You sure can."

It was a slow song so I wrap my hands arround Cameron's neck. He puts his hands on my waist.

"I don't dance, but here I am spinning you round and round in circles. It ain't my style but I don't care I'd do anything for you anywhere." Cam says.

"Aww babe."

After a few hours we go to the hotel. We get our room and when I open the door I see rosepedals leading to the bed and I say "Cam did you do this?"

"Yea babe I did. You said that you wanted to have a big family so I wanted our 2nd time to be more romantic than our first."


"Cam I want to have a big family with you."

"I can make that happen!"

We laugh.

"Can we now?" I say.

"No because our first time was on a couch. I wanna make this time special."


End of flashback


I kiss him and I jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. He starts moving towards the bed. He lays me down, not breaking the kiss. He starts leaving kisses from my lips to my neck and takes off my shirt and bra off of me. He then pulls off my pants leaving my panties on. I take off his shirt and pants leaving him in boxers. He kisses me and then starts leaving kisses on my stomach all the way down to my thighs. He pulls down my panties and I pull down his boxers. I see that he is hard. He inserts it into me and starts thrusting in and out making me moan. He keeps going and I am moaning and gripping the sheets. I say "I am about to cum Cam." "Okay." He pulls out and starts fingering me. Then when its coming he starts sucking it up. It felt so good.

•end of nasty•

"I love you Cam!"

"I love you so much Brie."

Jack G's POV

Jack J, Aaron, and I are the only ones watching the boys. Lauren and Hayes are making out on the couch and Nash is playing video games.

"Yo Hayes get a room. There are like 4 open rooms but you choose the living room." I say.

"Fine!" He says.

"Be safe!!" Nash yells.

"Use protection" I say.

They go upstairs and go into one of the guests rooms.

The boys are getting so so so big. They aren't crawling yet but they are getting there. They are sitting up by them selves though.

I wonder what Hayes and Lauren are doing.

Hayes POV

We go upstairs and I pick up Lauren. She wraps her legs around me. I push her up against the wall and kiss her neck stopping at her collar bone sucking lightly, She hops down and says "I am not ready for this Hayes. Maybe in a few years after we're married." "Its fine Lauren. I get it."

•I feel really dirty for writing that but thats just what I wanted I guess. If I get hate I am deleting it. Tell me if you like those parts or nahh!•

[edited 5-27-15 9:09 pm]

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