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Hayes POV

"Alright we will be there." I say into my phone.

"Okay flight leaves Wednesday at 3 am."

"Can I room with just Lauren?"

"I don't see why not."

"Okay see you soon. Bye." I say.

I hang up.

"Lauren??" I ask as if I am needing something.

"What babe?" she says appearing from around the corner.

"Come here." I say patting my lap.

"So whats up?"

"Well Bart called and said there was a Magcon event coming up and I have to go but guess what... your going too."

"Oh my gosh Hayes."

"Yeah I know I am an awesome boyfriend."

"*clicks tongue* or nahh?"

I start tickling her.

"Hayes.... stop it."

"Not until you say Hayes is the best boyfriend and I love him!"


"Aww babe."

She leans in so we kiss. I pull away and she starts pouting.

"What was that for?"

"What this?" I ask and I push her on the couch and start kissing her. I rub my hands on her sides and she lets out a little moan. She takes off my shirt and starts rubbing my abs. I let out a small moan and I put my tounge in her mouth. We fight over which one goes in each others mouth but I won... like always. I explore her mouth and she lets out a moan.

I hear Nash say "Your going to swallow her throat."

We pull away. She starts smiling.

"No I am not."

"Okay whatever."

[edited 5-27-15 9:13 pm]

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